The company now offers content security software for WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) gateways and antivirus protection for Symbian EPOC devices.
Hawkins also said it is hard for WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)-enabled sites to offer a compelling user experience, but that his company would support any platform that users want.
Though devices using WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) technology will not disappear from the marketplace, both Potter and Yankowski agreed that different devices using 3G technologies will dominate mainly due to the convergence of voice and data.
Market demand is expected to increase at the end of this year and into next year due to the introduction of phones using the new WAP (Wireless Application Protocol), which allows Internet content to be tailored for display on mobile telephones, pagers and other wireless devices, as well as of devices which incorporate EPOC, the operating system for wireless devices from the Symbian joint venture.
The new version of WAP, or wireless application protocol - a standard that allows mobile devices to display Web-like information - is due out by January, and is expected to create a PC-type environment that could open the door to attacks.
WAP, short for wireless application protocol, the standard for connecting cellphones and the Internet, is all the rage in Europe.
Rossmans design became part of the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), developed with Ericsson, Motorola mot , and Finlands Nokia nok .
Handling data streams in a dozen divergent formats from web pages to Java commands to wireless application protocol (WAP) overwhelms the cheap, simpleminded chips in most cell phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs).
Rossmans design became part of the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), developed with Ericsson, Motorola mot (nyse: mot - news - people), and Finlands Nokia nok (nyse: nok - news - people).
The industry has now adapted the Wireless Application Protocol, or WAP, enabling companies to distribute Internet-ready information to wireless devices equipped to receive it.
The nearest thing the GSM networks have to i-mode is a service known as Wireless Application Protocol, or WAP, launched at the beginning of this year.
Now that SMS is taking off, a new data-service wireless-application protocol, or WAP, is taking hold for digital cellular networks.