The song was originally recorded by Jackson and is being released this month in aid of War Child.
He's also featured in a documentary, War Child, that chronicles his life.
Mr Kohl was a war child, growing up as the bombs fell on his home town in the Palatinate.
'The Children of the Dump' focused on a community in the Mekong Delta, where one woman is using literacy to help fight a war against child trafficking.
Jacques Chirac, the French president, lived through the war as a child.
"I don't think there is a single child untouched by this war, " the report quotes a child called Safa as saying.
You know, a few years after World War II, a child who was born into poverty had a slightly better than 50-50 chance of becoming middle class as an adult.
Mr. Amer went on to explain how you prepare for a child in a war zone.
Ali Mahdi Nouri (Sudan) founded in 2004 the Al-Bugaa Theatre, which travels around conflict zones in Sudan and stages plays performed by child soldiers and war orphans.
Ms. ANN WHEAT (Co-founder, Lost Boys Center): While one would think that maybe things would continue to get easier, the reality that we've all had to come to grips with are those long-term effects of living life as a child survivor of war, all the devastation and trauma of having your family--everything familiar to you: your culture, your way of life, all taken away from you.
"Whether it's tracking down a thug who brutally mugged an old lady, a vandal who trashed a war memorial or searching for a missing child, CCTV plays a crucial role in tackling crime and making people safer, " said Mehboob Khan, chairman of the association's Safer and Stronger Communities Board.
Ms Coomaraswamy, special envoy for children in armed conflict, said no child had been prosecuted for a war crime since World War II.
But a simple laboratory experiment using what are, after all, ultimately harmless words, is not the same as a case of child abuse or the horrors of war.
It's a very hard thing to send any child that you have raised off to war.
As with previous incidents, television's psycho-babblers have rushed to condemn the American child's diet of horror movies and war-like video games.
' Most of the school (Barr's Hill) had been evacuated to Leamington at the beginning of the war and later to Atherstone but I, an only child, had not wanted to leave my parents.
Elizabeth A. Davis is passionately, winningly earnest as Grusha, a servant who plucks a baby of noble birth from the chaos of war, then goes before a tribunal in the hope of keeping the child as her own.
Bush will deliver the message that "the problems we faced this morning are the same problems we'll face tomorrow: winning the war in Iraq, keeping the economy together, working on renewing No Child Left Behind, " said White House Press Secretary Tony Snow.
He points out that both the child allowance and age related benefits were introduced before the Second World War.
Gen Ntaganda faces 10 counts of conscripting child soldiers, murder, terrorising communities and using rape as a weapon of war.
BBC: Bosco Ntaganda: US wants swift ICC transfer from Rwanda
From 2003 to the end of 2008, Unicef recorded more than 6, 000 cases of child recruitment by the rebels but the number is thought to have soared in the final months of the war.