The International Criminal Court has said the destructive binge could constitute a war crime, and is considering an investigation.
Ms Coomaraswamy, special envoy for children in armed conflict, said no child had been prosecuted for a war crime since World War II.
But Eugene Fiddell, a prominent military legal expert, said the conspiracy charge is not a war crime and is outside the jurisdiction of a military commission.
But the Australian High Court backed an earlier ruling that he could not be extradited because there was no offence of "war crime" in Hungary in 1944.
The UN special envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, meanwhile described the car bomb attack on the ruling Baath Party's headquarters in Damascus on Thursday as a war crime.
BBC: Syria conflict: opposition coalition pulls out of talks
Although the Canadian refugee board found Mr Key credible, it rejected his application, saying that unless his claims of abuse constituted a war crime, they did not justify his desertion from the US army.
Thus, Democrats have held a White House "women's summit, " accused Mr. Romney of wanting to deny women health care and equal pay, and even hit Ann Romney for the war crime of being a stay-at-home mom.
In its ruling, the federal court has disagreed with that analysis, saying that being forced to participate in military misconduct, even if it stops short of a war crime, may support a claim to protection in Canada.
He is a prominent criminal defense attorney who has accused prosecutors of turning their war on crime into a war on the defense bar.
It will be as much of a war as the war on drugs and the war on crime.
This fight reminds me of an earlier, similar war-the war on crime.
There is war and crime, and occasionally chaos, but there is also hope like there has not been, said some Afghans, in 23 years.
Mr Booker has launched a New York-style war on crime, including zero tolerance of infractions and the setting up of a new narcotics division.
Mr. Fuller, a director of gritty war and crime movies whose work influenced directors from Martin Scorsese to Quentin Tarantino, made two films reimagining his wartime experiences.
As in the war on terrorism, so in the war on crime: the sharp question is how much risk a society is willing to absorb in order to preserve liberty.
But five years into the war on organised crime, the relevant laws have not passed.
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But critics say the rise in drug-related violence shows the war against organised crime is far from won.
Whether the government's war on corporate crime has made the boardrooms of America more virtuous is much debated.
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Now, as it chalks up successes in the war on organised crime, the government has backed off from that threat.
AMERICA'S war on corporate crime has been going well lately, with the convictions of Conrad Black, Joe Nacchio and now Greg Reyes.
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His killing sparked fears of a turf war between organised crime groups.
As a result, on the statistics we are the first Government since the war to have crime lower than when we took office.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Full text: Blair on law and order
Mandatory minimum sentences for drug offences, for example, have been a double disaster, diverting a lot of money from the war on serious crime and turning huge numbers of minor miscreants into hardened criminals.
In time of war it is also a crime, punishable by death under 18USCS section 794(b), to inform the enemy of troop movements and any military plans or any information relating to public defense.
He and his father have always denied knowing about the scale of phone hacking, which police say could have affected thousands of people, ranging from celebrities and politicians to crime victims and war veterans.
CNN: James Murdoch blames underlings in phone-hacking inquiry