The flight criss-crossed a massive warm front edging across the English Channel towards the coast of Cornwall.
"The idea behind Warm Front deserves nothing but praise, " Mr Benyon told MPs.
In a warm front, a mass of relatively warm air pushes against a block of cooler air and is forced to flow up over it.
He said the money would have been better spent on Warm Front grants to improve energy efficiency of homes, a view shared by Friends of the Earth.
He was commissioned by the USSR's communist leader Joseph Stalin to create "A Letter from the Front, " a warm depiction of a family receiving news from the front line.
His latest move in this sphere was his sudden invitation to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to visit him at the White House for a "warm reception" in front of television cameras next Tuesday.
He has fond memories of a man he says is warm one to one, if not charismatic in front of crowds.
Fran Healy admitted it was like playing for his family, and with a little impromptu slide-show of their fifteen months on the road and his concern for the people getting a bit squashed at the front you could see how he got his warm and fuzzy reputation.
Meteorologists say warm weather from the Gulf of Mexico collided with a cold front from the west, creating volatile conditions.
Hull had to make a switch shortly before the start of the match when asthmatic Tongan front rower Sam Moa suffered breathing problems in the warm-up.
Expect your adrenaline levels to rocket and, in the warm, thin air, you will realise that cowering in front of an oncoming silverback is not something you could ever get used to.
Solid iron shots led to a pair of birdies on the front nine, and with Riviera playing tough in warm, dry conditions on Saturday, he was part of a large group challenging for the lead.
The Judiciary Committee hearing, however, was just the warm-up act for the next day, when all five FCC Commissioners testified for four hours in front of a different subcommittee, this one part of the powerful Energy and Commerce Committee.