Earth warming: Yes, carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is considered a cause of earth warming.
Citing the scientific consensus that global warming is disturbingly real, Francis left little doubt about who to blame.
When temperatures are hot, we are told this proves humans are creating a global warming crisis.
FORBES: NASA Data Pit Scientific Method Against Climate Astrology
The case for a human-induced global warming crisis requires the demonstration of several components.
FORBES: The Death Of Global Warming Skepticism, Or The Birth Of Straw Men?
The case for a link between malaria and global warming has always been very weak.
Extreme weather events have recently assumed a central role in the global warming discussion.
Dean discusses many issues that are relevant concerns about population growth, including global warming.
None of them do any original science on the theory of anthropogenic catastrophic global warming.
FORBES: The Disgraceful Episode Of Lysenkoism Brings Us Global Warming Theory
But now, global warming threatens to wipe their island from the face of the earth.
If it has to do with observed warming, observed changes, the language is softened.
They agreed in the strongest terms yet, that man was largely responsible for global warming.
If the warming continues, it said, seas may rise by as much as a metre.
It said on its website that: "Unusual hurricane activity is not related to greenhouse warming".
According to alarmist groups, this proves global warming is much worse than previously feared.
In addition to earthquakes and tsunamis, global warming is a major concern for the entire planet.
Sophisticated climate models and highly trained scientists, and a smart warming that began around 1975.
FORBES: The Anatomy Of D.C.'s Snowstorm Forecast Bust: When Good Science And Good People Go Wrong
Yet these threats seem to be dwarfed, in Mr Yergin's analysis, by global warming.
Accordingly, this too suggests that the 1970-2000 warming effect attributed to anthropogenic influences should be reduced.
FORBES: Global Warming? No, Natural, Predictable Climate Change
The implications, if true, had potentially enormous implications for the debate about natural causes of warming.
As a fad--and it is a fad--the catastrophist's view of global warming has peaked.
Regarding global warming, however, the debate truly is over and the victor is indisputable.
FORBES: The Global Warming Debate Produces An Indisputable Winner
All of this, of course, is to adjust to anticipated future decades of human-caused global warming.
By the way, what type of scientific evidence supports the asserted global warming connection?
They want science-based and data-driven attempts to craft small-government, conservative solutions to human-caused global warming.
FORBES: Will Angelina Jolie Help End Climate-Change Denial, And Help The Republican Party?
Carbon dioxide has been linked by many of the world's scientists to global warming.
CNN: Nature - America's most wanted: Power plants urged to clean up their act
This brings us back to alarmist assertions that global warming is increasing tornado threats.
But since when has media coverage of alleged global warming crises been objective and nonpartisan?
FORBES: Another Global Warming Crisis Canceled For Lack Of Evidence
The warming trend threatens a state that, in some places, is literally built on ice.
Global warming activists have made a concerted effort of late to intensify their targeting of evangelicals.
FORBES: The Meltdown Of Global Warmists Reveals Their True Priorities
He personally intervened to rescue the global warming treaty in Kyoto, Japan, two years ago.