Bosnia is at peace only as long as armed international forces stand between the warring factions.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Spin Control��: Architects of Hollow Military See no Evil��
Problem is, each sports league aside from the NFL is divided into naturally warring factions.
In 2001, Bush appointed Danforth as his envoy to help mediate between warring factions in Sudan.
You know, we went into Bosnia, most recent one, to keep the warring factions apart.
However, the council failed to make progress as warring factions fought to outmanoeuvre each other in the long-running conflict.
Even then, recognisable political parties could take months to emerge from warring factions.
All that seemed to be good for a company that was notorious for committee rule and warring factions between divisions.
The Colombian Government does have a special programme for children who are captured or desert the ranks of the warring factions.
The ancient Games were established to create a truce among the many warring factions and foster general peace in the kingdom.
The governments of Britain and Ireland gave Northern Ireland 's not-quite-warring factions a plan meant to review the moribund peace process.
The rest are mainly centrist Labour Party types, but they are divided into two warring factions calling themselves Moderates and Membership First.
The surge could open a window of escape from Iraq even without forcing the warring factions there to make a permanent peace.
To succeed, he would have to unite the warring factions of the LDP -- a difficult task at the best of times.
The U.S. State Department said Tuesday peace talks between the warring factions are set to begin October 31 in the United States.
In many ways, this game was an afterthought, with the major goal being not to disrupt the delicate peace between the recently-warring factions.
But Baucus and Gregg avoided eye contact across the six feet of aisle that now divides the chamber into two constantly warring factions.
But U.S. soldiers, who left Iraq in late 2011, are no longer available to help Iraqi security forces subdue militants or reconcile warring factions.
Mr Bush wants to broaden his war on terrorism to include Colombia, as three of the country's warring factions are on Washington's terrorism list.
In June the UN Secretary General, Kofi Annan, called for an end to the supply of arms from abroad to the warring factions in Afghanistan.
BBC: News | South Asia | Pakistan and Iran work for Afghan peace
The utter fragmentation of the rebels into warring factions in the past three years is a big reason for the lack of progress towards peace in Darfur.
Mr Uribe is open to dialogue with the warring factions, saying in his victory address that he would talk to them if they called a ceasefire and stopped terrorist attacks.
Two smaller rebel groups have not agreed to the plan, which has been the focus of intense high-level negotiations between the warring factions, leaders of the African Union, and western diplomats.
But now the smell of victory is strong, So all the warring factions get along With factions that they loved then to disparage: They're bound up in a peaceful, loveless marriage.
Belgium, which current chairs the rotating EU presidency, has attempted to bring the warring factions to a compromise, but has been unable to restart negotiations ahead of the scheduled September 20 vote.
But sometimes lost in the conversation are the Iraqi civilians caught in the conflict - caught between warring factions, caught in the grip of forces over which they feel they have no control.
Not only is Mr Uribe unapologetic, but plans to create a national militia of some one million citizens to help bring state presence to the half of the country under the control of the warring factions.
For this, we believe it is time for the intervention of the international community and the UN, to put a peacekeeping force into Afghanistan, and their first task must be to disarm all warring factions in Afghanistan.
But at the same time, it is equally clear that Ethiopia is the only state among the warring factions that has tried to bring a semblance of law and order and openness to its war torn, fractured society.
The warring of the various factions, meanwhile, grows ever more inexplicable and sour.