Mr Alexander's new pay package was approved by Thames Water's parent company, German utility giant RWE.
It says it was capable of carrying up to 60 litres of chemical nerve agent.
But there was no sense of surrender about the manner in which he played here.
The troops' mandate was to protect observers who would take notes on ceasefire violations.
The Serious Fraud Office later confirmed it was in talks with the FSA about the case.
The gas was too strong and we could not stay in the lounge without weeping.
It was this that woke the world up to the catastrophe that was unfolding.
One such device was found by Theo while supporting 11 Platoon 1 Royal Irish Regiment.
She told the court when she tried to contact her again, there was no reply.
BBC: Emily Longley trial: Friend calls defendant 'obsessive'
It's as if someone was trying to parody right-wing narratives of government bureaucracy and incompetence.
"A letter was written by press officers and I authorised that action, " he said.
The trustee of at least 530 Countrywide trusts, Bank of New York Mellon, was less impressed.
He was beaten into third place by Fernando Haddad of President Dilma Rousseff's Workers' Party.
In February, a 20-year-old mother accused of sorcery was burned alive in a village market.
The drive from the FORBES office where I was then working was about 12 minutes.
That the claim was then hotly disputed only gave the programme a further boost.
There was more riding on this weekend's speeches than on a typical stump speech.
She was given the organ in a simultaneous operation on both women involving two surgeons.
BBC: News | UK | Comedian's daughter saved by kidney transplant
It was just an accidental bang to my arm but the pain was excruciating.
BBC: England captain Adrian Morley ruled out of Four Nations
She tucked in, with gusto, when food was on offer at a farmer's market.
At that moment Kelman realized it was no longer his job to protect his friend.
The article 'Going to the chapel' was published in partnership with Lonely Planet.
He was eventually released unharmed, but we're told that both sides are currently holding hostages.
The St Andrews and Aberdeen offers showed there was "more funding available", she added.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Universities pledge new pay offer
The article 'The amazing views of Hong Kong' was published in partnership with
Of greater concern though was London Midland, which has had a number of reliability problems.
We know she was dropped off near the Iraqi-Islamic Party offices in Western Baghdad.
The article 'The stranger side of Switzerland' was published in partnership with Lonely Planet.
Chanes saw something: Leaning on a wall was a broomstick nearly 6 feet long.
Evangelicals in St Paul sighed that secular Democrats probably did not realise how offensive this was.