It was 2010, and she had just married her husband, a sound technician she met while touring with Bon Jovi, when she decided to set down roots.
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She had married John McAreavey just 12 days before she was murdered, and was buried in her wedding dress.
BBC: Northern Ireland
Even after he married Knipper, he was happy for his beloved wife just to visit him while his unmarried sister went on running his house as before.
ECONOMIST: Russian writers
We even just had a lady get married up there, and she was a witch.
BBC: One of the US' greatest mysteries
Married and widowed twice (only two of his 10 children outlived him), Walton was just shy of his 60th birthday when his book appeared, and he lived on for three more decades.
WSJ: It Has Hooked Generations of Fishermen | Izaak Walton | The Compleat Angler | By H. George Fletcher
If a person was married to the deceased spouse for at least 10 years and was divorced, the Survivor Benefit is available just the same as if the couple had not divorced (as long as he or she has not remarried prior to age 60, as mentioned above).
FORBES: The Social Security Survivor Benefit - Part 1