His appointment was welcomed by Education Secretary Michael Gove who described him as a "distinguished, honourable" MP.
Speaking on Wednesday Quinn spokesperson Mona Bermingham said the move was welcomed as an initial step.
The development was welcomed by Paul Braithwaite, of the Equitable Members' Action Group (EMAG).
The agreement was welcomed by Lord Hunt on behalf of the Department of Health.
The review was welcomed by groups including the European Commission and business group the CBI.
The bill's passage was welcomed by Minister for Finance and Local Government, Angus MacKay.
The box-office uptick was welcomed by the concert industry, which suffered a down year in 2010.
He was welcomed back into the party in 2004, when he won a second term.
Wednesday's announcement that talks would start was welcomed across the political spectrum in Europe.
The move was welcomed by Caroline Mockford, a community activist with The Poverty Alliance.
The announcement has prompted mixed reactions within the church, but it was welcomed by Mr Tatchell.
The decision in September 2003 to promote the 44-year-old was welcomed by the Black Police Association.
Following the announcement this week, Groff said he was welcomed into a PTA meeting with roaring applause.
The town's beaches have been a tidy earner since 1498, when Vasco da Gama was welcomed ashore.
The availability of the new series was welcomed by Richard Ramsey, chief economist at the Ulster Bank.
The move into dealing with timber species was welcomed by Will Travers from the Born Free Foundation.
BBC: Cites meeting: Ebony beats ivory in conservation stakes
"When I returned to China, I was welcomed by a huge crowd at the airport, " she gushes.
The interim report was welcomed by Dr Anne Kilgallen of the Western Health and Social Care Trust.
BBC: Poots meets Belfast Trust heads over pseudomonas review
Mr Isdell, a 60-year-old Irishman, was welcomed by investors and analysts as a safe pair of hands.
ECONOMIST: Coca-Cola has turned to its past to find a new boss
But Mr Pickles' guidance was welcomed by the Association of Convenience Stores, which helped draw it up.
BBC: Eric Pickles tells 'tatty' shopping parades how to succeed
The report was welcomed by Chris Hunt, director general of the UK's Petroleum Industry Association, which represents refiners.
The announcement was welcomed in Washington and President George W Bush formally lifted a trade embargo on Libya.
The news was welcomed by Citizens Advice and also the charity Crisis, which represent homeowners struggling with arrears.
The bill was welcomed by Victim Support Scotland which said short prison sentences had failed to address re-offending.
The merger was welcomed by analysts, who thought it past time for Mr Kann to cut his losses.
He has said he wants to negotiate with the Pakistani Taliban, a move that was welcomed by the militants.
He was welcomed at Ben Gurion airport, Tel Aviv, by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres.
The change was welcomed by the bloggers who raised the alarm about iTunes.
The ruling was welcomed by users of the facility and healthcare professionals alike.
On Wednesday news that Supt Dizaei would not face disciplinary action was welcomed by the NBPA's vice-president, Clive Morris.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | London | Cleared officer escapes tribunal