My surfboard was quickly ripped out from underneath me, its leash yanking me into the wave's violent washing-machine wake.
Washing-machine sales began to grow rapidly five years after they went on sale in Germany, but 11 years in France.
Now, alongside its washing-machine factory in Qingdao, there rises a pharmaceutical plant, whose synergies even Haier's bosses seem at a loss to explain.
Two years ago, Haier took over Hongxing, a washing-machine maker.
And Whirlpool's washing-machine factory now makes appliances under contract for Kelon, which sells them under its own brand, a reversal of the usual hierarchy between western and Chinese firms.
If your Whirlpool washer, for instance, ran on a StrongARM platform and you replaced it with an i960-based Maytag, you'd be able to simply move over your washing-machine program.
This occurrence would be similar to throwing a rock into a running washing machine -- clearly not a good idea.
In this latest set of operations, Dextre removed two safety caps, cut through two sets of thin retaining wires, and finally transferred a small quantity of liquid ethanol into the washing machine-sized module.
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Whirlpool has done just that, transferring a high-end washing machine production facility from France.
Somehow though, I suspect that he hasn't forgiven me for putting my Razr- last year's Christmas present - through the washing machine.
Besides the lousy economy, part of the appeal is access to a washing machine and dryer and home-cooked meals.
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Although the LG name has been a brand in most markets only for a decade or less, the company has come out with a few hits, including a 2006 steam washing machine, aimed at eco-minded consumers and designed to cut water and detergent usage.
They then shut down electricity in the flat - no more dishwasher, fridge or washing machine.
The continuous pumping means the patient's pulse is replaced by a constant whir - similar to the sound of a washing machine.
Maybe because I'm a woman I was thinking of the sheets - we still don't have a washing machine.
Its process was always audible, but now it was running like a washing machine with a handful of rocks thrown in -- a rather unsettling experience.
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She said she was unable to throw away a pizza, left half-eaten by Jay, or put the washing machine on, because it contained one of her son's shirts.
Who, for example, can name the inventor of the hair-dryer (Chester Beach), the electric washing machine (Alva Fisher) or the ice lolly (Frank Epperson)?
It's never happened before that we've fired a very large bullet that's made largely of copper and aluminum, the size of a washing machine, at a comet that's about--the comet's nucleus is about four or five miles across--to make a big crater.
Clearing a path to the market soon will be the Winbot 7, a compact machine billed by manufacturer Ecovacs Robotics as the first full-service window-washing robot.
We saw a number of Electric Imp demos and appliance ideas at the booth including a simple hand-held "detonator" toggle switch with LED, seven-segment counter, water level sensor, servo-controlled gauge, RGB light, power socket, Christmas light, power monitor, toy washing machine, 16x16 LED display and receipt printer (the latter two being combined to show the avatars and tweets of anyone mentioning the Electric Imp) -- all Internet aware.
ENGADGET: Hands-on with the Electric Imp at Maker Faire (video)