She wastes no time and bounces the ball no more than four times before serving.
Pursuing a merger or acquisition too often wastes too many resources all allocated the wrong way.
However, the crossover itself wastes power, so tri-amping is a way to avoid this problem.
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The nuclear wastes have an estimated dangerous radioactive life of up to 240, 000 years.
"Fighting wastes time and erodes shareholder value, " says a senior Citigroup banker who worked with Dynegy.
An employee who wastes time away from the office will waste time at the office too.
However, conservative Republicans are beginning to acknowledge that the Defense Department, too, wastes money.
FORBES: Republicans Mislead Their Base With Handwringing Over Sequester Defense Cuts
Electronic or more tech-laden versions of old standbys are even bigger wastes of money.
And most people think that the federal government wastes a lot of the money it collects.
Dialysis removes excess fluid, salt and wastes from failing kidneys, which builds up in bodies.
Aside from its unpleasant odor, the toxic gas-a natural byproduct of organic and inorganic wastes-can corrode metal.
Big wastes of power to no real purpose and fixable almost effortlessly if anyone wanted to bother.
This wastes financial resources and retards innovation and efficiency that would naturally come with new, state-of-the-art refinery construction.
Known resources are quite large, a couple of thousand tonnes a year in the wastes of other production.
FORBES: But Every Generation Does Indeed Exhaust Its Mineral Reserves
That wastes a lot of time and money and hobbles the instant feedback that makes online advertising compelling.
FORBES: Google Makes Renewed Grab for the Rest of Online Advertising
Most of the toxic wastes have been cleared and levels of carcinogens appear to have returned to normal.
ECONOMIST: Explore a clickable map of The Economist's new theme park
This wastes time and gunpowder, but it was the best that any Navy could do at the time.
He also needs to deal with the inherited plague of early retirement, which gobbles cash and wastes talent.
It wastes too much energy, it costs us too much money, and it's too susceptible to outages and blackouts.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Explains the Smart Grid and Economic Recovery | The White House
Variability in patient care wastes billions of dollars and puts patients at risk.
Current solar power largely ignores near-infrared light and wastes about 40 percent of the potential energy it could harness.
Each year, the average motor vehicle commuter wastes a full day plus 10 hours due to congestion on the highways.
"Tonto" is one of the long ones, but it wastes no time in pulling its components into a stomping climax.
They export large amounts of wastes including household and industrial wastes, waste water and the gases linked with global warming.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Changing planet revealed in atlas
One of these days, we'll be making fuel to power our automobiles from wood chips, to switchgrasses, to agricultural wastes.
The answer is lots which is why we always extract it from the wastes of the processing for other minerals.
Liberal Democrats should be at the forefront of the crusade against poverty because it wastes human potential and breeds alienation.
Years later when King David does the same thing, the Lord wastes no time in smiting him for his trouble.
ECONOMIST: The traditional census is dying, and a good thing too
While burying your money in the ground wastes its talents, most save via bank accounts or through the purchase of capital assets.