• Undaunted, he played in uniform and managed to dislocate his knee when a spur became entangled in his watch-chain.

    ECONOMIST: History of the net

  • Costco already restricts some credit card use, but watch for a large chain to offer discounts for cash and debit purchases.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The hero and the heroine, played by Christian Slater and Samantha Mathis, are likable, but in a Woo picture the character to watch is invariably the chain-smoking guy in shades.

    NEWYORKER: Broken Arrow

  • Costco (nasdaq: COST - news - people ) already restricts some credit card use, but watch for a large chain to offer discounts for cash and debit purchases.

    FORBES: Emily Lambert On Retailing

  • On his watch, the city has compelled chain restaurants to post calorie counts, barred artificial trans fats in restaurant food and prodded food manufacturers to use less salt.

    WSJ: Judge strikes down NYC sugary-drinks size rule

  • Called out by text message and email the numbers exceeded all expectations, their ranks swelled by thousands more who joined the chain spontaneously or just lined the route to watch.

    CNN: Iran election race tightens

  • As chief executive of the number three funeral chain, New Orleans-based Stewart Enterprises, Henican could only watch and smile.

    FORBES: Grave dancer

  • He made small talk with some of the 18 fighters on the bill before joining the crowd to watch the fights taking place inside an eight-sided ring surrounded by a chain-link fence.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Two weeks ago, Safeway began training seafood-counter employees to answer customers' sustainability questions, and the company is designing signs based on the Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch guide explaining which fish are best and why, says Phil Gibson, the chain's group director of seafood.

    WSJ: Guidelines for Eating Sustainable Seafood

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