Watchful waiting should be the first step in treatment, and medication a last resort.
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In these cases, doctors often recommend "watchful waiting" rather than treating with surgery or radiotherapy.
BBC: Doubts over cancer survival increase
One example: Surgery instead of "watchful waiting" for 70-year-old men with new prostate cancer diagnoses.
CNN: Preventive care not always cost effective, experts say
Surgeons end up recommending surgery, radiation specialists radiation, still others "watchful waiting, " etc.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Leslie Michelson: Doctor to the 1% (and Maybe Someday to You)
Sixteen of the men had untreated prostate cancer, they were in the so-called "watchful waiting" group - where the cancer is slow-growing and causing no symptoms.
BBC: Soy 'helps manage prostate cancer'
Their advanced age makes them far likelier to die from other causes, so the course of action typically recommended for them is watchful waiting or, sometimes, hormone therapy.
WSJ: Medicare Investigation Reveals a Sharp Rise in Controversial and Expensive Prostate Cancer Treatment
Many patients opt for "watchful waiting", monitoring the cancer.
BBC: DNA test reveals 80 markers for inherited cancer risk
My answer is a kind of watchful waiting.
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As 11 of the 24 men with prostate cancer had died, the authors suggest that early radical treatment for the disease might be offered to men who carry the genetic mutation, rather than watchful waiting, which is common policy.
BBC: Image of breast cancer
Just as some pharmas may be relieved they resisted investing in the first round of stem cell technologies, for instance, they might be similarly inclined to adopt a watchful waiting posture, and give the field some time to settle out.
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