Water-ice covers Charon, while Pluto's surface is predominantly nitrogen frost with traces of methane and carbon monoxide ices.
They announced preliminary findings in March but now have good data confirming large amounts of the water-ice just beneath the surface south of 60 degrees latitude.
"At very low angles, we think that some water-ice from the comet would remain intact as a liquid puddle concentrated with organic molecules, ideal for the development of life, " Blank said.
About the same size as fine particles of cigarette smoke, the grains are made of silicate minerals and carbon-based materials coated with ice - principally water ice and frozen carbon monoxide.
The world's most powerful neutrino telescope, IceCube, uses Antarctic ice as the detector volume, with electronic equipment sunk throughout a cubic kilometer of ice -- enough water to fill a million swimming pools -- to detect signals from neutrinos interacting with the ice.
Drinking ice-cold water may also help to boost your overall metabolic rate as well.
By this time, Samara had drifted 50 or 60 yards farther down the river, still bobbing in and out of the ice-cold water.
The Surbiton-based Croatian Scot that is our Orlo has gone to douse his burning fingers into a bath of ice-cold water so I'll take you through England v Scotland.
The man makes French toast and waffles and ham and eggs and pancakes and cereal and Pop-Tarts and brownies and hot dogs and hamburgers and baked Alaska and a birthday cake in the shape of a castle and pours glasses of milk and orange juice and coffee and Tang and Kool-Aid and water and puts ice in all of the glasses.
The footlocker-size ice cubes are plucked from the water by crane and fitted into the walk-in palace on the shore.
Next week, if all goes according to plan, a small mountain of snow will be melted, repeatedly sterilised and then injected in a high-pressure stream of near-boiling water to clear a bore-hole through the two miles of the ice-sheet.
But eventually, each atom encounters a plate at a temperature lower than its boiling point, at which point it sticks to the plate, just as water freezes when poured on to dry-ice.
In experiments on dogs they have found that by pumping liters of ice-cold salt water into their arteries and cooling them down to 59 degrees they can preserve vital organs up to three hours after the heart stops.
And now the Arctic's upper layers are getting less dense, for several reasons: melting Arctic glaciers, rising surface-water temperatures, increased precipitation and an absence of salt concentrations resulting from sea-ice formation.
Freeze dates are defined as the observed period when a lake or river was completely ice-covered, and break-up dates as the last ice break-up seen before the summer open-water phase.
Since sea-ice is already in the water, its melting has little effect on sea levels.
NASA's scientists have designed a device that would be carefully sterilised, and would then melt its way down through the ice, allowing the melt-water to freeze behind it to prevent contamination.
Satellites have long been used to track ice extent (area), but calculating the thickness of the marine floes requires the overflying spacecraft to gauge the difference between the top of the ice surface and the top of the water - a relatively simple calculation then gives the overall volume.
Local police described how one piece smashed into the ground near Lake Chebarkul, throwing up a column of ice, water and steam and creating a 26-foot crater.
For we rather like being able to drive places, cook food, heat water and survive a Mid-West winter without having to melt the ice on the pitcher each morning.
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And finally, just before you head out to sea, you will pass a series of fascinating ice-making houses where huge blocks of frozen water slide down rollercoaster runners and into the waiting boats.
Examples of household electrical loads that could be shifted to off-peak hours via an automated or controlled mobile app include charging a plug-in vehicle, running a dishwasher, running a hot water heater, running the refrigerator's defrost cycle and ice-making.
When snow or ice melt, they are replaced by darker melt-water pools, land or sea.
In the study released Wednesday, researchers suggest extracting the natural gas hydrates with "depressurization" -- a method that involves changing the ice into gas and water at the surface.
We must have been a sight, two 40-something women breaking the bags of ice and loading bottles of water, beer and sodas into the cart.
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"Those water masses play a very important role in the present-day status of the ice pack and changes in the delivery would have an influence and effect on ice distribution, " said Weingartner.
CNN: Nuclear sub dives under the ice to explore climate change
In a section on water in outer space we learn that there is a lake-size layer of ice on the moon's south pole, that Mars once had rivers, that there is steam in the sun's atmosphere.
Participants on a 10-to-12 mile Tough Mudder course wade through waist-deep mud, crawl under barbed wire, submerge themselves in ice water and jump through fire.
Sequential optical images of high spatial resolution were used for the first time to derive surface ice velocities of Glaciar Upsala, a fast-moving fresh-water calving glacier in southern Patagonia.