• During a recent appearance on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, " California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger threw cold water on talk of tweaking the Constitution to restrict marriage to heterosexual couples.

    CNN: GOP's gay dilemma

  • U. presidency at the end of June, is likely to want to declare the constitution dead in the water to get off the hook of its own referendum, due in 2006.

    FORBES: Whither A United Europe?

  • Simply, because under the Constitution, state governments have authority over water resources -- and they are loath to give it up to the feds because they earn billions from water charges.

    CNN: Special Report Drought

  • Meantime, the generals (carrying water for the king?) want to have yet another constitution in place this summer as a run-up to new elections by December.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • There's a constant hysteria in the land about threats to the Constitution, to religion, to strategic territory with irreplaceable sources of water or raw materials sold to secret American or Israeli companies.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The constitution empowers the state as the guarantor of education, health care, food, social security, and water resources for its inhabitants.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Chavez's repression continues

  • The Ecuadorian constitution empowers the state as the guarantor of education, health care, food, social security, and water resources for its inhabitants.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Correa��s Ecuador: Defending an autocracy

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