The turbulent flow of water creates undulations in the bed sediments - a series of ripples or dunes that slowly migrate in the direction of the water current.
If you zap purified water with electric current, you can split apart a water molecule into a positively charged hydrogen ion and a negatively charged hydroxide ion (oxygen attached to hydrogen).
Most people think that the current water system can cope with urban growth far into the future.
They had been playing in the water when a current took them.
Fiona Cherry at Killiechronan House near Loch na Keal said that she had gone to Oban to buy bottled water for her current guests.
The research looked specifically at production farms using open, outdoor fresh water ponds applying current technology, and considered such factors as suitable land use, topographical features, weather patterns and sky conditions available in the contiguous U.S. states.
Anglian water has apologised for the inconvenience of the current situation but said the water was safe to drink if it was boiled and cooled beforehand.
Radical versus incremental change - how to SWItCH urban water systems to meet current and future challenges?
Hydrolysis--running an electric current through water to produce hydrogen--yields fuel that is usually not economically competitive with other forms of energy.
The battery-operated device is switched on when the diver or surfer enters the water and the electrical current is generated continuously.
The current transports water from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans throughout the Arctic, said Tom Weingartner, a marine scientist at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks.
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Weighing 140kg, with hands like buckets and a face as flat as a plate, he waded into the marquee as if against a strong current of water and assumed a position in the corner.
The United States government is now demanding that Mexico make a good-faith effort to deliver the water owed for the current year as well as a small part of the accumulated shortfall.
This is the current of water that takes enormous amounts of heat about as much as would be generated by a million nuclear power plants from the tropics and carries it to eastern North America and western Europe.
Balancing current and future water demands between competing uses (including ecosystems and their services) will become an issue.
Even with all current deep-water projects going forward full blast, the oil market is anticipated to be extremely tight.
"Crisis is not because of a scarcity of water but because of the current and past terrible management practices, " he says.
These two are an industrial pair because they are manufactured in the same process, by passing an electric current through salt water.
"The Pacific coast current keeps the water cool, " Baker explains.
The process reverses electrolysis, which many may recall from a high school experiment that involved placing two electrodes in water, passing an electric current through them and collecting the hydrogen and oxygen that bubbled off.
It's not unprecedented, and there's no current threat to water supplies, but officials are prepared to start building an underwater barrier to block the denser saltwater from moving further upstream, Corps spokesman Ricky Boyett said Friday.
By adding cobalt and phosphates to water and passing a mild current through the solution with a glass electrode, Matthew Kanan and Daniel Nocera of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) were able to break water apart and force oxygen to bubble to the surface.
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They hatch only in moving water because they rely on the current to bring them food.
But such a large amount of unaccounted-for water is not easily explained by current models of Martian evolution.
The main purpose of the seminar was to give an general idea of current state of ground water in Uzbekistan, scientific-educational activities and the area of usage of underground water and determination of future trends relating to improvement of research methods and educational approaches with development of practical recommendations.
Flood-tide current: flow of water in a given direction that takes place between low water and high water.
Ebb-tidal current: flow of water in a given direction that takes place between high water and low water.
Ocean current: flow of water in a given direction in the ocean.
As far as I know, there are no current issues with distribution of water or food in the local area.
Tidal current: movement of water in a constant direction caused by the periodic rising and falling of the tide.