Mines and factories that make paint, batteries or electroplated products discharge waste water into local rivers and lakes.
They used satellite data concentrating on Greenland's coastline to examine how fast the thinning is happening, and they have found that the flow-speed of 12 glaciers, which together account for about half the discharge of water from the ice sheet, is increasing and fast.
New technology might be able to halve the amount of water again, says Mike Fatigati, vice president of Delta-T Corp, a Virginia company which has designed a system that does not discharge any waste water.
Montana's Department of Environmental Quality and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency are in negotiations with Blixseth over alleged violations of the Clean Water Act, including the discharge of waste without a permit and the deposit of fill material in wetlands.
Worrell's Living Machines are water recycling systems that drastically reduce water use and can eliminate sewer discharge.
Groundwater is polluted due to poor land practices, atmospheric deposition of pollutants and direct discharge of sewage into water bodies.
As it is, the food we export to China consumes around 41 trillion liters of water each year, or twice the discharge of the Colorado River, BCG says.
The law's strict liability provisions could be interpreted as requiring drillers to treat a mine discharge in perpetuity once they begin withdrawing water from it, even though they had no role in creating it.
The permits cover the discharge and disposal of radioactive waste and cooling water.
The Environment Agency permits cover the discharge and disposal of radioactive waste and cooling water and running of standby generators.
BBC: Environmental permits granted for Hinkley Point station
Heavy rain can overwhelm the drains, forcing Thames Water, the firm that runs the network, to discharge a mix of rainwater and sewage directly into the Thames.
ECONOMIST: The capital's overflowing drains are due for a big upgrade
While not all mine water is chemically suitable for fracking and a mine discharge has to be close enough to a well pad to make transport via truck or pipeline economical experts believe Pennsylvania has more than enough polluted mine water to meet the needs of the drilling industry.
Some water is lost through evaporation in the cooling tower and in waste discharge.
The Japanese government alarmed neighboring countries in April last year when it approved the discharge of 10, 000 tons of low-level radioactive water from the plant as Tepco ran out of space to store the water used to cool reactors.