The SUV hit a guardrail in an industrial section of town and landed upside down in about 5 feet of water, filling up within minutes, State Highway Patrol Lt.
And since the band is big on green alternatives, Page recycles his plastic water bottles, filling them up with tap water, shampoo or lotion, which he then totes along.
Just 17 years ago, Adelaide relied on the Murray for only 10% of its water: regular rains filling dams in the city's hills provided the rest.
Mr. Rana built Rana Plaza by draining water from a pond and filling it with concrete foundations, according to local residents.
WSJ: Local Officials Punished Over Building Collapse In Bangladesh
Mr. Rana constructed Rana Plaza in 2007, draining water from a pond and filling it with concrete foundations, according to local residents.
WSJ: Bangladesh Factory Lacked Building Permits, Officials Say
Salesmen from Population Services International in India are using Voxiva to order new water filters and such by filling out forms on their mobile phones.
They bubbled with excitement as we got ready by shopping for food and supplies, filling bottles with water, putting candles in each room, and connecting with neighbors.
However, earlier this month, researchers from Durham University's Energy Institute reported that fracking was not a significant source of tremors that can be felt on the surface, compared to many other human activities such as mining or filling reservoirs with water.
BBC: Lancashire election candidates asked to oppose fracking
He has used spoiled pie filling, fired from water cannons, as a weapon at sea.
The same is true of the frequently repeated section where the hero cares for his horse by brushing dirt off its coat, filling a trough with water, and feeding it apples.
Intensely radioactive water from reactor Unit 2 is filling a nearby tunnel faster than workers can empty it, and radioactive levels of seawater near the plant increased sixfold following an aftershock on Saturday.
FORBES: Conditions May Be Deteriorating at Japanese Nuclear Power Plant
The cannon was amazingly powerful and could easily lob a ball over the palm tree that can be seen in the photo which is a range of about 800 feet (filling the barrel with water was also entertaining as it generated an instant cloud).
The plant's operator, Tepco, had intended to cool reactor 1 by filling the containment chamber with water.
Beautiful Lumangwe, a wide wall of water that thunders into the Kalungwishi River filling the air with fine mist, looks like Victoria Falls in miniature.
But the sight of tiny leaves unfurling on the bean vines and the scent of soil filling the room when I water them have been surprisingly gratifying.
The rains came up from India, washing the Himalayas, filling the rivers of the Punjab, pouring down water on the Hindu Kush and on the plain that extends from the Khyber to Karachi.
The designer suit, along with my poise and my pep, worked their magic, and by the following week my apartment started filling up with offers and gifts lots of gifts water bottles, flash drives, and gym bags, all sporting Big Law names.