Government, regulators and the water industry were urged to make concrete plans for new supply networks in advance of house building, to ensure there are adequate water resources for the future.
Despite these real concerns over unsustainable abstraction rates and pollution, groundwater resources, if carefully managed, can make a major contribution to meeting the demand for water in the future and to adapting to climate change.
Anyone considering the use of MIW for natural gas extraction activities has the potential to incur long-term liability because just the act of moving contaminated water gives you total responsibility for it in the future.
How do we ensure access to precious water resources for a growing population whilst ensuring the future protection of the very ecosystems upon which we depend?
The Consumer Council for Water has expressed concern about how levels will be maintained alongside future housing developments across the region.
People would hoard as much water as they could for fear of not having enough in the future.
This bold initiative is a paradigm shift in approach that treats urban water resources as a key pathway to a sustainable future for the city.
Home Star legislation that would provide consumers with rebates for energy and water efficiency is on hold in the Senate, its future uncertain.
These changes are difficult to plan for, as past water patterns can no longer be used to predict the future.
But technological advances and improvements in recovery methods, as well as reduction of water usage and greenhouse gas emissions, have made oil sands a viable and popular option for the future of U.S. energy.
FORBES: America's Energy Future May Lie In Canada's Oil Sands
The money will be spent on medical supplies such as trauma kits, surgical equipment, medicines and water purification and to assist local doctors with the means to gather forensic evidence for any potential trials in future.
BBC: Syria conflict: UK to give extra ?5m to opposition groups
The Symposium will provide valuable guidelines for future environmentally sound uses of coastal resources and solving water related conflicts.
Although it's currently just in the proof-of-concept, prototype stage (like, it still needs to be plugged into the wall, making it less than ideal for outdoor applications), future versions of the project will sport batteries (of course), sensors for monitoring water quality, cameras for peeping stuff, and even bacteria for breaking down pollutants (think: Exxon Valdez).
The study identified future potential electric generation capacity of 158 gigawatts for advanced coal, 78 gigawatts for water and dry-cooled concentrated solar energy and 515 gigawatts for large nuclear reactor plants.