• China issued a second water-pollution alert within a month, when phenol, a dangerous chemical, leaked into the Yangzi river near Shanghai.

    ECONOMIST: Politics this week

  • How can we reduce the real threat to our health and ecosystems caused by ever-increasing water pollution?


  • Its Ohio River basin water-quality trading project will allow those facing high pollution-control costs to buy reduction credits from those whose costs are lower.

    ECONOMIST: Nutrient pollution

  • In 1972 the Clean Water Act further broadened the law, as Congress became concerned about pollution and water quality, spurred by high-profile incidents such as the Cuyahoga River catching fire in 1969.

    WSJ: Federal Offenses: Sewage Blunder Earns Building Engineer a Criminal Record

  • Intensive development of agriculture and industry may become a reason of deterioration of underground water in various regions in the absence of water-protective measures which can prevent its pollution.


  • The high-growth countries had less, and faster-declining, water pollution than the other two categories.

    ECONOMIST: Economics focus: Quantity and quality | The

  • Through a spectacular racing boat, RACE FOR WATER aims to promote innovation with universities by developing tools and systems to measure the water footprint and micro-plastic pollution in the oceans.


  • "Scottish Water, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) and the local authorities already work closely with Keep Scotland Beautiful to ensure that the information provided to the public about water quality and short-term pollution incidents is accurate and up-to-date at the beaches, " he said.

    BBC: Blue Flag beaches 'should lose top award'

  • During this session, water management under conditions of uncertainty and risk will be addressed through different perspectives - including water for urban settlements, valuation, pollution and disasters and the need for accurate information - with proper links to sustainable development.

    UNESCO: World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP)

  • The same boom has brought drilling rigs, and the fears of air and water pollution that accompany them, into densely-populated urban areas.

    WSJ: As energy boom nears cities, a backlash grows

  • Opponents warn that fracking is an environmental disaster waiting to happen, citing, among other risks, air and water pollution, the release of radiation and cancer-causing substances, and the acceleration of global climate change as methane and other greenhouse gases escape during fracking.

    FORBES: Fracking: A Role for Universities

  • They included disruption to operations from drought or flooding, declining water quality that required costly on-site pretreatment, increases in water prices, and fines and litigation relating to pollution incidents.

    FORBES: A New Tool To Manage Companies' Growing Water Risks

  • They also argued over-use of the company's weedkiller Roundup, the chemical treatment the alfalfa is modified to be resistant to, could cause pollution of ground water and lead to resistant "super-weeds".

    BBC: Monsanto GM seed ban is overturned by US Supreme Court

  • "We have to act quickly to remove them all for fear of causing water pollution, " Xu Rong, an environmental official, told state-run Global Times newspaper.

    BBC: China fishes over 2,000 dead pigs from Shanghai river

  • If Shell Oil, Chevron Appalachia and other companies are found to be abiding by a list of stringent measures to protect the air and water from pollution, they will receive the blessing of the new Pittsburgh-based Center for Sustainable Shale Development, created by environmentalists and the energy industry.

    WSJ: Sierra Club blasts new plan to improve fracking

  • Water prices should be raised for end-users, and levies and pollution taxes increased.

    FORBES: Connect

  • Inefficient energy use is what's bad for the economy, as is the collateral damage in terms of pollution, erosion of water resources, and international security that accompanies old-school fossil fuel and nuclear solutions on the supply side.

    FORBES: Evan Mills

  • Moreover, the government is getting serious about pollution and is shutting down or pressuring high-polluting and high-water-usage industries.


  • Set against a black backdrop, away from the pollution and artificial lights of land, viewing the Aurora Borealis from the water is a unique way to experience it -- so we've put together a list of boating options that let you do just that.

    CNN: Chasing the elusive Northern Lights by boat

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