• In this case you store electricity as the potential gravitational energy in the weight of water.

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  • Its market potential is also derived from its ability to produce clean drinking water and renewable energy.

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  • Its polymer technology also carries the potential for other application markets, including water desalination, ultra-capacitors and energy generation, chemical and biohazard resistant fabrics, and immersion coatings.

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  • They are a pretty basic technology, they are a one hit, while if we develop lagoons, if we develop other forms of tidal and wave and other ways of extracting the energy from the water and the wind then I think we've got a great potential export trade.

    BBC: Wales politics

  • The study identified future potential electric generation capacity of 158 gigawatts for advanced coal, 78 gigawatts for water and dry-cooled concentrated solar energy and 515 gigawatts for large nuclear reactor plants.

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