Non-governmental aid groups are providing water and water purification tablets to the most affected communities.
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Another new line of business: water purification, which GE entered a few years ago with several acquisitions.
DfID plans to ship anti-cholera drugs and water purification kits to Sierra Leone.
The Texas National Guard sent a water purification team to the West End.
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Enter Zuvo Water, which has hopped on Indiegogo to fund its elaborate and tech-centric Stratus water purification system.
You had a group from Tennessee that had designed this water purification system that was self-generating through a water wheel.
Assistance also included providing communications equipment, water purification equipment and power generators.
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The team created a portable water purification system that could be used in disaster relief or areas without infrastructure for clean water resources.
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And a project is underway today to create a solar-powered water purification system to supply the needs of 750-1500 people per day.
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From water purification systems and biohazard sensors to efficient energy systems and nutritional supplements in baby food, the spinoffs from space technology are myriad.
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Although the Pall Corporation ( NYSE:PLL), a company that creates water purification systems, did not create the spill, they are responsible for cleaning it up.
But a UNICEF spokeswoman said safe drinking water, shelter materials, water purification tablets, cooking sets, mosquito nets, medicine and sanitation supplies were all in dire need.
Over the course of the next year, the Team will employ local college students to maintain the program and monitor the efficiency of the water purification technology.
Water purification plants (especially in large cities which recycle their sewage waste right back into the drinking supply) will hopefully get prioritized for energy allocations when rationing starts.
It supports processes that we all often take for granted, such as air quality, climate regulation, water purification, parasite and disease control, pollination and the prevention of erosion.
In Port-au-Prince, a chaotic scene erupted as people clamored to reach the trucks of a World Food Programme convoy carrying water purification tablets, plastic sheeting, collapsible jugs and nutritional biscuits.
The only surprise here though is why the regulatory response is to ban fracking rather than explore the options, like water purification (if contamination is the barrier to progress).
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Technologies on display ranged from solar powered water purification units to military vehicles using next generation materials and energy sources to light weight batteries that can give better range and endurance.
The project involved the installation of a water purification system capable of producing up to 20, 000 liters of drinking water per day and currently supplies over 600 residents with clean drinking water.
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So innovative is their product, they were recently awarded the 2012 Heart of Haiti award by the national parliament and plans are in place to distribute the water purification device throughout the country.
FORBES: Building A Generation of Sustainability Mavericks Because We Can, Or Because We Have To
One of the Rice University scientists conducted experiments in which flakes of rust were made into nanoparticles by heating them in coconut or olive oil at 350C and could then be used in water purification.
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The money will be spent on medical supplies such as trauma kits, surgical equipment, medicines and water purification and to assist local doctors with the means to gather forensic evidence for any potential trials in future.
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Over the past week, computer experts in Italy, Russia and the US have posted details online on a clutch of vulnerabilities they have found in various SCADA packages used to automate installations as diverse as power stations, water purification plants, oil refineries, food factories, breweries and steel plants.
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Global revenues from clean tech businesses--including air and water purification, advanced materials, distributed power generation, renewable energy, and process controls, such as sensors to monitor air and water--now surpass 85 billion pounds, according to the Cleantech Venture Network, a for-profit membership group that connects venture and institutional investors with entrepreneurs.
Slingshot is a vapor-compression water-purification machine that can produce about 30 liters of 100% pure distilled water per hour using the same power as a hair dryer consumes.
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In a country like India, this water-purification system may just prove to be a boon.
The firm has also built its water treatment and purification business by purchasing Ionics and Zenon Environmental.
Mine official Gonzalo Quijandria said the company had offered residents water from a purification plant, but that their offer had been rejected.
The company vows to double its revenues from 17 clean-technology businesses, ranging from renewable energy and hydrogen fuel cells, to water filtration and purification systems, to cleaner aircraft and locomotive engines.
Other ministry mandates include for designated areas include purification of water used for irrigation and physical inspections and testing of every sack of rice produced.
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