Last year, a complaint to the Buildings Department about rain waterseeping into the building triggered an inspection that eventually led to the demolition order.
The goal is to hold them accountable by having them scrutinize their supply chain practices to ensure that no filthy water is seeping into waterways somewhere in the process from chemical to laptop.
As with so many collieries, the men were laid off and the pit was put on "care and maintenance" which meant keeping it free from noxious gases and seepingwater so that it could be reopened if the industry picked up.
Dr Malin and Dr Edgett suggest that the gullies are being created by water that is either seeping slowly to the surface or building up behind barriers of ice and occasionally bursting through.
The crippled plant's owner is still trying to manage hundreds of thousands of tons of radioactive water used to cool the reactors, and scientists believe some of that is still seeping into the Pacific.