Mount Mews garage - which is in the world's fourth most expensive place to live in - comes with a driveway, parking area and a mains water tap.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Dorset | Beachside garage to fetch ?50,000
Mr Gumpert told the jury one of the workers lived in a horsebox with 10 others and the only washing facilities were a cold water tap in the yard and a shared toilet.
Shanghai authorities have stepped up tap water tests and assure residents that the tap water is safe to use.
There is still no sign of contamination, White said Sunday, but he asked that residents continue to drink bottled water or boil tap water before drinking it.
Robert Durand, a spokesman for the prison, said prisoners are provided with bottled water and that the tap water is safe to drink.
They each had a balcony, a spectacular view, iced water on tap and a direct-dial telephone.
Scottish Water said its priority had been improving tap water and it had no money left to pay for upgrades to infrastructure.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Scotland | Council bails out Scottish Water
He told them that guards were refusing to provide bottled water and telling prisoners to drink from tap water that inmates believe is non-potable.
And since the band is big on green alternatives, Page recycles his plastic water bottles, filling them up with tap water, shampoo or lotion, which he then totes along.
Bottled water often comes from the same source as tap water, where that is available (sometimes at a hundredth of the price), though it should at least be clean.
Nearly 1 billion people still do not have access to improved sources of drinking water and there are more people without access to tap water in cities today than there were at the end of the 1990s.
Meanwhile, in Jiangxi, water supplies "return to normal" after a fuel spill in Lake Poyang cut off tap water for 60, 000 residents, China Central Television reports.
Limescale in hard water allows the growth of amoebae and the infection seems to be caused when wearers allow tap water to come into contact with their lenses when storing them or washing and showering.
Leiba says that activated carbon water filters -- like Brita pitchers or faucet attachments -- are a safe and affordable option for filtering tap water.
In fact, the amount of bottled water Americans drink has risen nearly every year for more than two decades, while the estimates of how much tap water people drink has fluctuated up and down during that time.
Infy has been trying to tap water from a stone, and surprised everyone by succeeding.
So he fills jugs with tap water on his occasional visits to relatives in Denver.
If something is always available, like tap water, you tend to value it less.
For the same reason, if your tap water is treated with chlorine, install a chlorine-filtering showerhead.
But there are numerous factors that could tilt the scales in favor of tap water.
More than a fifth of those who have cut back order tap water, not bottled water.
Dr. Fred Cerise says the city's tap water is not yet up to drinking standards.
There are also potentially millions of people at risk of pesticide poisoning in their tap water.
New York City, which touts the high quality of its tap water, offers portable fountains at events around the city.
Ngo, 34, has a Brita filter for tap water and also keeps his pantry stocked with cases of bottled water.
Consumers are putting jugs of tap water into their refrigerators, and Pepsi notes a sharp decline in bottled water sales.
The law came into effect on January 1, after a three-year campaign to reduce waste and encourage tap water use.
BBC: Concord, Massachusetts bans sale of small water bottles
In recent years, some reports have suggested that tap water could be contaminated by trace amounts of pharmaceuticals or other substances.
Tokyo's governor recommended that babies be kept away from the city's tap water as it contained higher levels of radioactive iodine.
You know lighting tap water, polluting ground water and all the rest.
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