Sabin rejected this free advice and set up her own teensy publishing company, Watering Can Press.
But she dreams of building Watering Can Press into a mini-empire in children's publishing.
He sprayed them with chicken soup from a watering can, and festooned the shed with them.
"There was only one watering can used in the rescue attempt and we have it in a safe, " said Mr Woodley.
That was the trouble: he would suddenly find himself driving his car on Route 50, or in the garden with watering can in hand, and have no idea why he was there.
He stands back and to the side of the sapling and holds ready a watering can as I held one when I modeled for Sandy, clad in my best school knickers and high socks.
People can still water their gardens with a watering can and wash their vehicles using a bucket and sponge, which use a fraction of the amount of water that a hosepipe or sprinkler does.
Whether such eye-watering cuts can really be made is one of the big unanswered questions raised by this budget.
For example, Egyptian researchers have shown that by transferring a single gene from barley to wheat, the plants can tolerate reduced watering for a longer period of time.
All politicians accept there are growing demands on the NHS and that the drugs bill can be eye-watering.
An investor who pays 90 cents on the dollar for debt that is almost certain to be repaid can make mouth-watering returns with minimal leverage.
One question is how high Twitter can push its numbers without watering down its commitment to selling only ad units that feel native to its ecosystem.
Limited watering of that much turf for four or five months can save tens of thousands of dollars in Arizona.
WSJ: Why Brown Is the New Green | Golf Journal by John Paul Newport