But we are all supposed to read such stories at election time, and then forget them for the next five years until the next elections.
We all agree however that both such schemas are much preferable to the shareholder value theory, which is both practically and theoretically unsound, and which leads to so many negative results in so many different areas.
All human activities are a compromise so we should acknowledge such compromises, not only focus only on either the good or the bad.
Pope BENEDICT XVI: (Through Translator) We are hoping for this because such an encounter of people from all continents should also give the old continent, the host, a new impulse and help us so that we don't only see the sick, the tired and the missed opportunities in the European history.
As for the film, it's in the Best of British category and it is such material that we should all support if we are not to be swamped by Hollywood.
On the issue of which agencies were affected, we are working with all federal departments and agencies to deploy defensive tools, such as the Einstein Intrusion Detection and Prevention systems.
All the quarters are very tough and if we get some medals with such a young team it will be a superb achievement.
Now that there are such sophisticated ways to keep people out, all we need is an effective system for keeping teenagers in at night.
"Robert's determination is an example to us all and we are proud to associate Citroen Racing's image with such a resolutely positive individual, " he added.
You hear so much about how instantly reachable we all are, how hyperconnected, with our smartphones, laptops, tablets and such.
FORBES: So Reachable, We're Unreachable: The In-Box Perplex and the Content Marketer
In fact, what we want is a truly globalised world in which citizens of all countries are treated as such and not merely as consumers.
"We've tried all the ways that are often successful in small urban areas, such as fencing or egg oiling, but it's only made a small difference, " he said.
How can the numbers tell such different stories and what are we poor observers to make of it all?
It is regrettable that he has chosen to seek my removal in such a fashion, particularly given the difficult period of change we are all experiencing.
We all know that there are limits to what government can and should do, even during such difficult times.
There are few sports with such a long season, so I would suggest that we all just roll up our sleeves.
"Like all companies, we are learning about how best to use social media, particularly with such complex issues, " Ms. Backes says.
And I'm confident that we can arrive at those -- such an agreement as long as all the parties are entering into it in good faith.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Meets with Lebanese President Sleiman
Just as free trade in terms of physical and intellectual goods makes us better off, so are we better off when human capital can freely cross our borders such that we can all become even more specialized in our work.
FORBES: The Good And Bad Of Linda Chavez's Stance On Immigration
"Computers are such an integral part of our life that in a certain sense we're all addicted to the technology, " he says.
However, we pointed out that Vanguard discloses all the investment advisory fees it pays and that such fees are at the very core of its business.
FORBES: More Worries for Defined Contribution Plan Fiduciaries (August 31, 2006)
Even though we felt a little precocious coming up with Core Values as such a small group, it was a great way to confirm that we are all on the same page about what matters in our company.
Skills such as listening, collaboration, communication and supportiveness are wonderful human traits that we should all aspire to.
"We all have a responsibility to ensure that vulnerable groups such as the elderly and young children are not exposed to unnecessary risk, " he said.
"Although we have strong defenses to all claims, a settlement avoids years of litigation and uncertainties that are inherent in such cases, " said Noah Hanft, MasterCard's general counsel, in a statement.
WSJ: Visa, Mastercard Agree to $6 Billion Settlement Over Surcharges
"We are only running power for emergency supplies, such as pumping water out, and have stopped producing at all mines, " AngloGold spokesman Steve Lenahan told Reuters news agency.
But even if single-celled organisms are all we can manage to discover in the foreseeable future, Darling is eloquent about the ways in which such findings are now changing how we think about our own existence.
We are starting to learn now, 20 years after the Web started hyperconnecting us all together, that there is no such thing as an agnostic, neutral service.
FORBES: The Tyranny of Anonymity, Reddit and the Future of Your Body Online
Furthermore, even if representations such as these are true going forward (which we do not believe), then what about all the years these pension advisors have sold money management assignments to the highest bidders?
We have such good and decent people who, on a day-to-day basis, are finding all kinds of ways to live together and educate kids and grow their communities and improve their communities and create businesses and work together to create great new products and services.