"Matt's rugby skills and size will suit us well and we are very pleased that he wants to progress his rugby here at Bath, " said head coach Meehan.
"We are very pleased that the United Kingdom will, for this first period of the force, be the lead nation, " said Jeremy Greenstock, British ambassador to the United Nations.
"We are very pleased that today's Treasury announcement identifies college provision as one of the few areas where savings are being re-invested, " said Martin Doel, chief executive of the Association of Colleges.
"We are very pleased that the engine started and continued to thrust, " said Marc Rayman, Deep Space 1's chief mission engineer and deputy mission manager at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.
CNN: Deep Space probe's ion engine working smoothly, NASA says
"We are very pleased that the boxes have been found, and have lasted almost two years down at 12, 800 feet, which is well beyond the design life that they were established for, " John Bolton, from flight data recorder manufacturer Honeywell, told CNN at the Paris Air Show.
So we are mindful that we have a lot of work to do, but we are very pleased with the progress that has been made by each of these Cabinet members, and we are looking forward to redoubling our efforts in the months to come.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President on Cabinet Meeting and General McChrystal | The White House
"We are very pleased to see that people are taking note of good corporate governance because we believe it can lead to good corporate performance, " a spokesman said.
We are very pleased and proud that you're here.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a Town Hall in New Hampshire
"The education market is a significant priority for Samsung, and we are very pleased to deliver a bundle that is sure to be appealing to just about any student at a very competitive price point, " explained Travis Merrill, Director of Marketing, GALAXY Tab, Samsung Electronics America.
However, I'm very pleased that we are continuing to move in the right direction.
And so I am very pleased that we are able to make these announcements here together on Australian soil.
We're very pleased that concerns are reaching us - it's one way of pursuing areas where patients may be at risk.
And of course, all of you are here, and we're very pleased with that.
We are very pleased with our performance and hopefully we can do that again on Saturday.
We are very pleased with the results and are more confident than ever that our approach to wealth management and service is something special.
"They have chosen the path they are on and I am very pleased that we have a unified international community, including China and Russia, in setting forth a very specific condemnation of North Korea and working with us for a firm resolution going forward, " Clinton said, also underscoring the commitments the United States "has and intends to honor" toward South Korea and Japan.
CNN: Clinton slams N. Korea's rhetoric, 'belligerent' actions
"We are very pleased", said head teacher, Paul Evans, adding that it had been "a challenging year for schools".
We are particularly pleased that we have now moved beyond offering programs only to those very early in their funding experience to more advanced level week-long programs for more senior funders.
"In what was a very competitive tender process, we are pleased to have secured the combination of rights that we wanted, providing certainty for us and our customers, " said BSkyB chief executive Jeremy Darroch.
What we want therefore is investment in it but I am pleased to say that the restrictions on foot and mouth are easing, last time of course I was mentioning, particularly Anglesey, my own constituency, I'm very pleased to say that the restrictions have now been lifted, we are turning the corner, I'm looking forward much more optimistically than when I last spoke to you.
"This is something that people have across the world worked for and prayed for and I think we are all very pleased and happy to hear of her release, " Rice said.