Just as we're positioned as never before to secure justice in our economy, we're poised as never before to create a safer, freer, more peaceful world.
We form coteries as we stretch before class or in the humid euphoria of the dressing room afterward, chatting and complaining and comparing notes about teachers, and somehow this coalesces into intimacy.
"We can't say, as we did before, that nobody wants German boots on their territory, " he says.
"We had to open as many stores as we could before someone else came along, " says Saltzman.
"We collect the pollen the same way as we did before, " says Dr. Fineman, who also supervises a local pollen-counting station.
We used him for an example of who we are as a brand before we even developed this car.
The N-spot we really seek is the precise amount of assets needed at retirement to provide the same living standard after retirement as that we enjoy before retirement (or as close a match as possible without going into debt).
"The clear path forward is for us to underscore to the Pakistanis that we're not going to turn our back on them as we did before, " Gates said.
"Although the next several states that hold nominating contests this month are more favorable to the Obama campaign, we will continue to compete in them and hope to secure as many delegates as we can before the race turns to Ohio, Texas and Pennsylvania, " read a statement from the Clinton campaign.
CNN: McCain gets mixed message; Dems deadlocked after contests
We continue in our discussions with China, and we, as I said before, we have informed our Chinese colleagues fully about the scope and urgency of the NDAA provisions.
As we said before, we like, no, we love free cash flow, the more the better.
Aamer, Asif and myself did very well as we planned before the game.
Take away 65% for taxes and management fees, as we did before.
Mr. HUGHES: Well, as we said before, this is unchartered territories so it's really hard to see what the full effect is going to be.
But again, as we discussed before, it depends on the opponent.
As we mentioned before, Microsoft neglected to send along a Zune 80 for us to test, so we can't comment so much on that device's hardware, although we have spent some real time with the Zune 8.
ENGADGET: New Zune review (part 2): upgrade, hardware, software and Social
In addition, the desktop grade, dual-core 1.8GHz Atom D525 processor inside the Eee PC 1215N also provides about double the speed and, as we said before, the 12.1-inch Eee PC certainly feels faster in everyday use to us.
ENGADGET: HP Mini 5103 with dual-core Atom N550 performance review
The plot is starting to thicken ahead of HTC's press conference on the fifth of June -- and as we suggested before, it appears that the company does indeed have its sights set on stealing some of Apple's thunder.
ENGADGET: Is HTC's "major announcement" a multi-touch device?
As we've noted before, other companies such as Garmin and Flir Systems have used government work as a commercial springboard, with very happy results for shareholders.
But our resilience is not infinite, and the question remains as to whether our moral resources and intellectual clarity have been degraded to the point that we are vulnerable as never before.
The problem, Chip, is, as I said before and as we've talked about, 8.4 million people since December 2007 have lost their jobs.
Sometimes we just want to share them with friends and people we trust so as to gain their input before we announce them to the world.
FORBES: The Next Generation Of Social Networking Has Emerged
"It is a paradox that, at the very moment when we have caught the political imagination of the country and we are engaging with individual businesses as never before, some claim that we do not understand the importance of business, " said Mr Osborne.
Quora, as we wrote about before, is a social Web site based on posing and answering questions.
As we have discussed before, all brokerages are required by the SEC to submit independently audited financial statements annually.
FORBES: Compelling Pension Consultant Disclosure (June 1, 2002 )
Seems bubbly but as we have seen before bubbles can last a while.
As we have said before, there simply is no basis for the suggestion that Mr. Corzine breached his fiduciary duties or was negligent.
No, no, no, as we have said before here, you cannot claim that the capital value of something is equal to the annual income of something.
FORBES: No, Cambridge University is Not Worth the Same as Monaco
As we have said before, unilateral actions work against efforts to resume direct negotiations and they do not advance the goal of a reasonable and necessary agreement between the parties.