We actually misremember what we once thought, believing that we knew all along that what happened would happen.
CNN: Why FBI and CIA didn't connect the dots
Not spring, the trees overly arrogant, the flowers showing off on each turn, the birds chirping as if to say we knew it all along, we told you it would come.
FORBES: Imagine a World Without Innovation in: Literature
"All along, we knew it needed to be about a woman, with lots of girl power, a romantic comedy, " Ms. Daelemans recalled.
WSJ: Romantic North Korea | Comrade Kim Goes Flying | By Ron Gluckman
Then we're right back at it, doing what we do, and we eventually learn -- hopefully -- that the designers knew what they were doing all along.
ENGADGET: This is the Modem World: We're all a bunch of cranky old men
We felt they had us over a barrel, and I think they baited us with the lower interest rate and knew all along that they were going to switch the rate on us.
NPR: New Century's Borrowers Worry for Homes