"Going into this we knew we wanted to make a statement about the 21st century, " said Alonso.
"We wanted to make a statement that was more rock 'n' roll, " said Mr. Timberlake, who has been a paid endorser for Callaway for several years but isn't in any of the new ads.
O'KEEFE: As indicated earlier, we'll make a statement today at this point, and a little later this afternoon at about 3:00 Eastern time there will be a full technical briefing conducted from the Johnson Space Center.
"The vicar began by saying: 'We are here because a tragedy has taken place - we are not here for the media or to make a political statement, or to apportion blame', so he set the agenda pretty quickly, " said Mr Mangold.
What we wanted to do was go and make a statement in France, there in Perpignan and for long periods I thought we were going to.
And certainly, Henry Paulson, the Treasury secretary, wanted to make a statement: We're done with the bailout game, you all are on your own.
We're hoping the rest of the week brings some crazy Android news, but we're not holding our breath -- Microsoft wanted to make a statement here in Barcelona, and after day one, we'd have to say it succeeded.
"We wanted to come out tonight and make a statement, " Johnson said after finishing with 17 points.
In the interests of Scottish democracy and in the interests of the Scottish people we call upon the first minister to make a statement to the Scottish Parliament, today.
"I think this Assembly should make a clear, powerful statement that we don't tolerate that behavior, period, " Mr. Cuomo said in a radio interview on Friday just prior to Mr. Lopez's announcement.
"All our guests are safe, and we're doing everything we can to make them as comfortable as possible, " Carnival CEO Gerry Cahill said in a statement issued at 8:30 p.m.
"We don't have enough information to make any definitive statement, but it does seem a bit of a stretch" to conclude that Arafat was poisoned by polonium-210, he told CNN in a telephone interview last week.
"We want local authorities to have the opportunity to make choices where they spend their money but already in the Autumn statement we've seen a large slug of money going to councils for roads, " he said.
If I were to make a statement on this, it would actually be more attention to the subject than if we leave it be.
"Homeowners deserve much better treatment from their banks and we will keep fighting to make sure these funds get released to speed the recovery, " Lawsky said in a statement released Tuesday by Cuomo's office.
" This incredible image gives us a new perspective of our galaxy, and illustrates the far-reaching discoveries we can make from large sky surveys, " Nick Cross, of the University of Edinburgh, said in a statement.
"We were extremely disappointed to have to make today's announcement, " NHL Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly said in a statement.