• "Going into this we knew we wanted to make a statement about the 21st century, " said Alonso.

    BBC: Marvel Comics introduces mixed-race Spider-Man

  • "We wanted to make a statement that was more rock 'n' roll, " said Mr. Timberlake, who has been a paid endorser for Callaway for several years but isn't in any of the new ads.

    WSJ: Justin Timberlake Tries to Bring Sexy Back to Golf

  • O'KEEFE: As indicated earlier, we'll make a statement today at this point, and a little later this afternoon at about 3:00 Eastern time there will be a full technical briefing conducted from the Johnson Space Center.

    CNN: O'Keefe: 'A tragic day for the NASA family'

  • "The vicar began by saying: 'We are here because a tragedy has taken place - we are not here for the media or to make a political statement, or to apportion blame', so he set the agenda pretty quickly, " said Mr Mangold.

    BBC: David Kelly laid to rest

  • What we wanted to do was go and make a statement in France, there in Perpignan and for long periods I thought we were going to.

    BBC: Blues are an inspiration - Holley

  • And certainly, Henry Paulson, the Treasury secretary, wanted to make a statement: We're done with the bailout game, you all are on your own.

    NPR: Wall Street Woes: Who Gets A Bailout?

  • We're hoping the rest of the week brings some crazy Android news, but we're not holding our breath -- Microsoft wanted to make a statement here in Barcelona, and after day one, we'd have to say it succeeded.

    ENGADGET: MWC day one: the Empire strikes back

  • "We wanted to come out tonight and make a statement, " Johnson said after finishing with 17 points.

    WSJ: Nets rally late, beat Pacers 89-84 in OT

  • In the interests of Scottish democracy and in the interests of the Scottish people we call upon the first minister to make a statement to the Scottish Parliament, today.

    BBC: Alex Salmond 'willing' to talk to Jeremy Hunt on BSkyB

  • "I think this Assembly should make a clear, powerful statement that we don't tolerate that behavior, period, " Mr. Cuomo said in a radio interview on Friday just prior to Mr. Lopez's announcement.

    WSJ: Assemblyman Vito Lopez Resigns

  • "All our guests are safe, and we're doing everything we can to make them as comfortable as possible, " Carnival CEO Gerry Cahill said in a statement issued at 8:30 p.m.


  • "We don't have enough information to make any definitive statement, but it does seem a bit of a stretch" to conclude that Arafat was poisoned by polonium-210, he told CNN in a telephone interview last week.


  • "We want local authorities to have the opportunity to make choices where they spend their money but already in the Autumn statement we've seen a large slug of money going to councils for roads, " he said.

    BBC: Road safety cuts 'catastrophic', says campaigner

  • If I were to make a statement on this, it would actually be more attention to the subject than if we leave it be.

    NEWYORKER: The Apostate

  • "Homeowners deserve much better treatment from their banks and we will keep fighting to make sure these funds get released to speed the recovery, " Lawsky said in a statement released Tuesday by Cuomo's office.

    WSJ: NY ID's 10 worst firms holding back Sandy funds

  • " This incredible image gives us a new perspective of our galaxy, and illustrates the far-reaching discoveries we can make from large sky surveys, " Nick Cross, of the University of Edinburgh, said in a statement.

    MSN: New Milky Way photo captures 1 billion stars

  • "We were extremely disappointed to have to make today's announcement, " NHL Deputy Commissioner Bill Daly said in a statement.

    BBC: NHL cancels first two weeks over labour dispute

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