We know that nothing can close the wound of their loss, but we stand together as one nation by their side.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on the death of Muammar Qaddafi
At the same time, Libya is a lesson in what the international community can achieve when we stand together as one.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Salutes the People of Libya
Your selfless service shows who we are, who we always will be -- united as one people and united as one nation -- for you embody and stand up for the values that make us what we are as a people.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks to Troops in Afghanistan
And today the world is saying, with one unmistakable voice, we will stand with you as you seize this moment of promise, as you reach for the freedom, the dignity, and the opportunity that you deserve.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Salutes the People of Libya
If we consider iTunes as a stand alone company it is, on its own, one of the larger media companies out there.
FORBES: Apple's iTunes is, Standing Alone, One Of The Largest Media Companies