Then we take pictures of each stone, do hand-drawings and put the pictures and drawings on the computer.
We touch them to make them work, we use them to stay in constant contact with friends and family, we take pictures at a moments notice with them and share them with our particular world.
Eventually we stop to take pictures in a sleepy village and immediately cause a bit of a stir.
"We can look at the brain and take pictures of it, but ultimately we want to know how all these connections and wires fit together, " said neurobiologist Michael Bruchas at Washington University School of Medicine in St.
WSJ: Brain Science: Mysterious Neural Circuitry Becomes Viewable
"We leave flowers and take pictures, " Burks said of her time at famous graves.
CNN: Jackson could rest with the stars if buried at Forest Lawn Memorial
And digital frames have become very popular because we take a lot of pictures with our digital cameras.
Regrettably, the Japanese DSLR dominator had pretty early firmware on board and refused to let us take any sample pictures or video, but we were able to compile a few impressions anyhow.
What we got instead was Pokemon Snap, where you simply take pictures of the creatures, and Pokemon Stadium, a battle-only arena with no story or exploration, and poorly animated fighting effects at that.
Both phones presented a rather run-of-the-mill experience: the CPU was snappy enough to handle our tasks without much lag, the WVGA display is adequate and offers good color saturation despite its lower viewing angles and the camera seems to take average pictures, though it lacks many of the features and settings we've come to expect in midrange devices.
ENGADGET: T-Mobile myTouch and myTouch Q coming August 8th for $50, we go hands-on
We reached our destination by 6am but we had to find the right direction that the students would take so that I could take pictures from the front, not from the back.
He was out there fighting for his country for our freedom so that we could all do the things that we want to do, so you could stand up here and ask me questions and take pictures of me.