Bluetooth headsets became less expensive (although even today they still make the wearer look like a Borg-in-training).
Flip-flops' straps can also rub as a wearer walks, creating friction that leads to blisters.
The technology tested to date lets the wearer primarily see in black and white.
And he showed off wonky-looking prototype spectacles that can superimpose movies inside the wearer's field of vision.
The designer says she likes her clothes to make the wearer feel at once defiant and protected.
The pressurized suit has to protect its wearer from extreme cold and heat, while providing oxygen and communications.
When triggered, the personal alarm uses phone and sat-nav technology to warn that its wearer is in danger.
Lynette Jones heads a team who are developing a vibrating vest that writes messages on its wearer's back.
The base station has an LCD screen, which displays how much watching time the wearer has in credit.
The Land Warrior is a helmet with an eyepiece that allows the wearer to see the entire battlefield.
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The wearer can send a message to the nearest police station or chosen relatives by pressing a button.
Whatever happened to wearing something because it is beautiful, because it makes the wearer feel beautiful and confident?
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He immediately drew comparison with legendary Manchester United player George Best, another wearer of the famous number 7 shirt.
The sandal had breathability and ankle support, plus a guard to prevent stubbed toes and improve the wearer's balance.
The red soles offer the pleasure of secret knowledge to their wearer, and that of serendipity to their beholder.
The suit is designed to "pull" downward on its wearer more nearer the feet - just as gravity does.
Perhaps this is why some people seek out watches that still demand at least some participation by the wearer.
Maybe they made the wearer look flirty or interesting, or indicated religious beliefs.
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Lastly, the whole assembly is heated on an aluminium mould, so that it fits the eyeball of the wearer.
The wearer starts by telling the computer what he is trying to achieve.
Even clothing might be dyed with digital ink, allowing it to adapt its design to the mood of the wearer.
It can detect a fall and call for help as well as keep an eye on the wearer's activity levels.
It was made of a single piece of leather and was shaped to fit the wearer's foot, the researchers say.
Clothes that change their colour and shape depending on the wearer's movement are being developed by researchers at a Canadian university.
The potential of X1 extends to other applications, including rehabilitation, gait modification and offloading large amounts of weight from the wearer.
ENGADGET: NASA and IHMC building X1 exoskeleton to give us a lift, keep us fit in space and on Earth
With nothing to keep a wearer's foot in place, flip-flops can also lead to tumbles, twisted ankles and even broken bones.
To date, the technology allows the wearer to see in black and white, and is most useful for seeing sharp contrasts.
Bionic prostheses such as its "Rheo Knee" use artificial intelligence which adapts to the wearer's gait speed and their walking environment.
In another demo, the wearer is seated in a leather car seat, as the device constructs a car around him or her.
ENGADGET: Canon MREAL Mixed Reality headset hands-on (video)
We also saw our readers going wild over a real-life invisibility cloak that causes its wearer to vanish in plain sight.