Mr Brunstrom, writing in his weblog on the force website, accused a small section of the media of "distortion".
His weblog can be found at, and he can be emailed at gartenberg AT gmail DOT com.
That also put it behind Google's weblog publishing tool Blogger, as well as Twitter, Wordspace, Myspace, Linkedin and Tumblr.
Some bloggers earn commissions on items bought through a link from their weblog, or receive donations from charitable readers.
In fact, the most common deployment of Hadoop so far is sessionization of weblog files to understand user behavior on websites.
I've been writing a daily weblog on for two months now.
This is not the same as having a weblog or e-zine sitting on a public server which does not filter incoming requests.
The trademark award was reported by TUAW, The Unofficial Apple Weblog.
The Unofficial Apple Weblog reported this week that Apple is hiring a television production firm in preparation for a high-profile late February announcement.
The Weblog TechCrunch explains it this way: If a user retains the "Everyone" option, the information is accessible by the Web at large.
Timo Arnall, a designer working in London and Oslo, posts photos to Flickr every day, much more frequently than he posts to his weblog Elastic Space.
But, writing in his weblog, he said those attending the anti-speeding briefing on Thursday had been warned in writing they would be "briefly exposed to harrowing images".
Ernest Svenson, the author of Ernie The Attorney, a weblog that features personal musings on law and politics, says he's sure Six Apart will take care of its users.
The iPhone Dev Team has accused him of stealing their code to create the program, and many in the hacker community instead credit Erica Sadun, a blogger for the Unofficial Apple Weblog.
The Digital Photography Weblog's Jay Savage unveils a superb digital photo of the day and Andrew Barrow announces a Canon EOS firmware update and points out Digital Trends in photography discussion.
ENGADGET: The Weblogs, Inc. Network brings you its best of the best HD
Mr Watson, who posts his daily thoughts on his own 'weblog', has been campaigning for Mr Blair to make an e-mail address available to the general public, and laid down Parliamentary questions on the subject last year.
His weblog can be found at
ENGADGET: Entelligence: Mobile multitasking is mostly a myth
The reBang weblog in particular has been doing lots of digging into the legitimacy of the group, and while not turning up anything conclusive, it has led to a wide range of speculation, even including remote possilibility that it's all an elaborate Alternate Reality Game (ARG).
ENGADGET: Group promises dedicated VR "Neuronet," skepticism ensues
One of the ways that we stay on top of the news here at Engadget is by subscribing to a couple of different services that mail out tech-related press releases to journalists (to sign up we had to lie and pretend we weren't just some crappy weblog).
ENGADGET: Tiger Telematics goes overboard with Gizmondo press releases
According to Bijou Bob's official weblog, PBS has given "the green light" to producers to revive some of the greatest 'toons of the past, and just as soon as sufficient sponsors are found, you can expect to see the renditions in stunning HD, which will likely prove that Betty Boop actually is forever young.
ENGADGET: Matinee at the Bijou to bring classic cartoons to PBS-HD HD