In 1925, Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg became the second president of Germany's postwar Weimar Republic.
Lubitsch was one of Weimar's most successful directors when he came over to Hollywood in 1922.
WSJ: Hollywood's German Influence | The Weimar Touch | Museum of Modern Art | By A.J. Goldmann
"For me, 'Some Like it Hot' is one of the great Weimar films, " Mr. Kardish said.
WSJ: Hollywood's German Influence | The Weimar Touch | Museum of Modern Art | By A.J. Goldmann
While Weimar cinema continues to inspire filmmakers, the festival covers films only through 1959.
WSJ: Hollywood's German Influence | The Weimar Touch | Museum of Modern Art | By A.J. Goldmann
But Yegor Gaidar, an architect of Mr Yeltsin's economic reforms, this week proposed an alternative: Weimar Germany.
Searching for historical precedents, Bridgewater put together detailed histories of previous credit crises, going back to Weimar Germany.
The legend of Faust has been treated by many artists from Christopher Marlowe to Liszt (another Weimar resident).
But "The Weimar Touch" urges viewers to discover more to the Weimar influence than long shadows and claustrophobic ambiance.
WSJ: Hollywood's German Influence | The Weimar Touch | Museum of Modern Art | By A.J. Goldmann
Berlin's creative boom rivals even the smoky jazz club and flirty-flapper cabaret heyday of the early 1920s Weimar Republic.
Barring true disaster (something like the Weimar inflation) what happens to the macroeconomic indicators seems to make very little difference over time.
Flooding the market with new work is like debasing the coinage, a strategy used from Nero to the Weimar Republic with disastrous consequences.
Pupils are far more likely to study the Weimar Republic, the Russian Revolution, or the politics (but not social history) of the Tudors.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | How about some British history?
Last month, the Greek prime minister, Antonis Samaras, warned Europe that his country was on the edge of a Weimar Germany-style social collapse.
True, the Weimar economy experienced massive dislocations but by most measures the 1930s Great Depression that followed far surpassed those of the early 1920s.
Films by American-born directors Orson Welles and John Ford in the retrospective attest to the influence of Weimar cinema on generations of American directors.
WSJ: Hollywood's German Influence | The Weimar Touch | Museum of Modern Art | By A.J. Goldmann
And did he not really adore, despite intermittent grumbles, the homage from the hundreds of admirers who beat a trail to his Weimar door?
Was not a primary lesson of the past, from Prussia to Weimar and the Third Reich, that the army must never show force inside Germany?
Adapting a script by Tom Stoppard based on a novel by Nabokov, Rainer Werner Fassbinder brings Weimar-era decadence to life with vibrant derision and visual mystery.
One of the couple's two daughters is working in the northern city of Hamburg, while the other is attending a university in the city of Weimar.
WSJ: Germany's Rapidly Aging Population Threatens Rural Towns
His parents were assimilated Jews (his father worked in the German Foreign Office) who encouraged their son's drawing talent by sending him to art schools in Weimar and Paris.
The mark briefly outlived the fall of the German Empire and the foundation of the Weimar Republic in 1918, but was ruined by the inflation of the early 1920s.
Weimar politicians used the phrase to promote employment policies.
Considering the fact that Russia experienced Weimar-style hyperinflation less than 20 years ago, the fact that it is now able to hold inflation in the 6% range is something of a miracle.
Kurt Gerron's "Het mysterie van de Mondscheinsonate" (Mystery of the Moonlight Sonata), a 1935 Dutch thriller shot using only natural light, bears the clear influence of both Weimar music-hall films and thrillers.
WSJ: Hollywood's German Influence | The Weimar Touch | Museum of Modern Art | By A.J. Goldmann
The Germans abhor inflation thanks to their historical run-in with hyper-inflation from 1921 to 1924, a catastrophe so severe that by its finish, the Weimar Republic was forced to issue one trillion mark notes.
But the Germans, for the moment, will not allow the bank to play that role because they fear a repeat of history - the inflation of the Weimar Republic and all that flowed from it.
The Austrian program was a model for later programs in Hungary, Bulgaria and, yes, Greece, and was used as a "background model" for dealing with the crisis in Germany's Weimar Republic, she told an audience at St.
WSJ: Brussels Beat: Parallels With 1920s Raise Worries Over Extremism
That hardly sounds like the Weimar Republic.
ECONOMIST: A very unusual sign of confidence in economic policy
The exhibition's pictures from this period, such as his Bauhausian shot of the interior of the Anhalter Bahnhof railway terminus, show his curiosity and humor, and that he had absorbed the modernist aesthetic being developed in Weimar Germany.