In fact the Cuban government seems caught off-guard, tentatively welcoming the new Cuban-American visitors and their money while continuing to rail against the embargo and rejecting any call for concessions on its own part.
Now, the nonprofit group hopes to soon be welcoming visitors who can understand and appreciate all the accomplishments and ideas envisioned by the inventor.
In addition, the White House today released a Department of State and Department of Homeland Security report highlighting the progress of efforts to make the United States more welcoming to international visitors and demonstrating that they are on track to meet the goals of the President's January Executive Order.
"We've been asked to recruit people to help with stewarding, marshalling, market research, manning events inspired by the tour and welcoming visitors to Cambridge, " Mrs Colwell said.
But today, the former fishing village known mostly to backpackers is seeing an influx in visitors, thanks to the welcoming social scene that accompanies the unbroken surf.
From 10 to 21 June, the transformed Cinema Paradiso will be the biggest drive-in ever seen in a capital city, welcoming up to 1, 000 visitors per movie to the 12, 000sqm space, with a programme that will show cult films ranging from Taxi Driver to Back to the Future to The Big Lebowski on a huge 25sqm screen.
He had been welcoming at the hall door, although he had examined his visitors closely before he invited them into his house.
U.S. Travel puts forward a three-pronged approach to welcoming international travelers to the United States: promoting the U.S. to international visitors, easing the process for getting visas and making the entry experience a smooth one.
But the administration of it has to be business-like, supportive of economic growth and welcoming to genuine visitors.
BBC: Vince Cable: UK borders must be open to genuine investors
After a 9.4 billion peso renovation, the fire-besieged former jail of Parque Cultural is now a major cultural institution, welcoming 170, 000 visitors per year.
At Art Athina, the capital's international art fair, a few dozen volunteers perform a range of functions, including welcoming visitors and providing information about enigmatic paintings.