• In addition, some organizations withdrew their applications and others may not have begun conducting planned charitable or social welfare work.

    WSJ: Review & Outlook: Democrats and the IRS

  • They just send you a check and welfare to work goes back to being plain old welfare.

    FORBES: Is Welfare Mitt Romney's Magic Bullet?

  • For example, a minimum wage guarantees a certain income for people who remain in work, but it will hinder the transition from welfare to work by destroying jobs.

    ECONOMIST: Welfare reform

  • As a result, Ron Haskins of the Brookings Institution reports in his book evaluating the 1996 welfare reforms, Work Over Welfare, nearly 4.2 million single mothers and children climbed out of poverty, reducing the poverty rate by one-third.

    FORBES: Rep. Paul Ryan's Budget Plan Reframes the 2012 Elections

  • That was a program that was looking at transitioning people from welfare to work.

    NPR: Debating Marriage's Effect on Poverty

  • Tonight, our Welfare to Work Partnership includes 10, 000 companies who have hired hundreds of thousands of people.

    CNN: Prepared Text of Clinton's State of the Union speech

  • Moving benefit recipients from welfare to work, a sound Tory (and indeed Labour) policy, will also be pursued.

    ECONOMIST: British politics

  • Under this policy, governors must commit that their proposals will move at least 20 percent more people -- more people -- from welfare to work.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

  • Some welfare experts fear that Welfare to Work is being oversold.

    CNN: Dressed For Success

  • Bush later heard from three single mothers who made the transition from welfare to work through the help of a program administered by a local church.

    CNN: Bush pushes stricter welfare work rules

  • Specifically, Governors must commit that their proposals will move at least 20% more people from welfare to work compared to the state's past performance.

    WHITEHOUSE: Welfare, Work and America��s Governors

  • "Under the rules of parity, the way welfare payments work, if changes come in at Westminster they are expected to be brought in here, " said Stephen Walker.

    BBC: house of commons

  • That is, simultaneously balancing the budget and encouraging investment while also placing an emphasis on welfare to work, crime prevention and educational programs such as Head Start.

    CNN: Clinton returning to the state that made him the 'Comeback Kid'

  • The convener also said that reform policies would have a huge impact on Scotland and that "as a starting point for welfare to work we need to have jobs".

    BBC: Welfare Reform Committee

  • He also promised to make it easier for single parents to ease the shift from welfare to work, by aiming to ensure they are better off in employment than on benefit.


  • "Employers are saying, 'Give us people with the right attitude and job readiness, and we'll take care of the rest, " says Eli Segal, president of the nonprofit Welfare to Work Partnership.

    CNN: Dressed For Success

  • We moved three million people from welfare to work.

    CNN: Both parties firm up strategy for upcoming election

  • Look at the specific proposals for allowing states that request it more flexibility to implement welfare reform, provided that their proposals will move at least 20 percent more people from welfare to work.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

  • This morning, former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty appeared on ABC and discussed the letter he signed (pdf) along with 28 other Republican Governors asking for more flexibility administering programs that move Americans from welfare to work.

    WHITEHOUSE: Welfare, Work and America��s Governors

  • The welfare to work scheme is untested.

    ECONOMIST: From Beveridge to Blair

  • Talking about their experiences at MyPublicServices were projects to ensure that those in nursing homes are looked after with dignity, to help make welfare to work programmes less adversarial and a place to report experiences with police investigations.

    BBC: Social media 'could transform public services'

  • The leaders are hoping for progress on issues like increased Internet access, "welfare to work" incentives for the long-term unemployed, cutting red tape, and progress towards a single EU financial market, which would mean cheaper borrowing for firms, better returns for savers and cheaper insurance policies.

    CNN: European leaders

  • But welfare-to-work practitioners say one factor in its success has been a dramatic change in how welfare recipients are prepped for the work force.

    CNN: Dressed For Success

  • Nor do most employers have the time or expertise to become closely involved in preparing welfare recipients for work.

    ECONOMIST: The muddled maths of welfare-to-work

  • And his advisers are keen on bringing America's earned-income tax credit to Britain, replacing in-work welfare benefits with tax breaks.

    ECONOMIST: His next trick

  • Mr Blair's critics have pointed out that moving people off welfare and into work is likely to cost more in the short term.

    ECONOMIST: From Beveridge to Blair

  • Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill said the ruling would dramatically cut back the hours welfare recipients would work, and undermine a key component of the new law -- work requirements.

    CNN: AllPolitics - States Must Pay Minimum Wage For Workfare

  • Expanding opportunity means not leaving up to 30% of men in some of our towns and cities languishing on Incapacity Benefit, as has happened under Labour, but our plans to harness the expertise of the voluntary sector in helping people off welfare and into work.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | In full: Cameron speech

  • Indeed the state of Wisconsin, which increased its budget for child care as part of its drive to persuade welfare mothers to work, has found that much of the extra cash has gone unclaimed: many mothers seem to prefer flexible unpaid arrangements with people their children already know.

    ECONOMIST: Child care

  • As important, the principles of welfare-to-work can be applied to other working-age people who in many countries have come to depend on welfare through disability payments.

    ECONOMIST: Welfare to work

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