The proliferation of professional jobs meant the children of the well-to-do found it easy to follow in their parents' footsteps.
Worse, the entire DVR category's essentially remained stagnant as well -- one study found that the average DVR-enabled family records just 15-20 percent of the TV they watch, a startlingly low number by any measure.
According to Klout, these well-established designers have found a way to translate their real-life work and esteemed reputations into digital influence as well.
Well-run companies have found it pretty easy to take over badly run stations and triple their cash flow.
But no large, well-designed studies have found that anything but time -- and drinking water to treat dehydration -- can ease the aftermath of too much alcohol consumption.
CNN: Relax -- Your holiday health concerns may just be myths
With 6:55 left in the second quarter, he threw a well off-target pass that found Baltimore safety Ed Reed.
WSJ: Super Bowl XLVII: Baltimore Ravens Have Just Enough Power to Beat San Francisco 49ers
Although some columnists have complained that the protesters have no idea of what they want, the protesters I found were well-informed and articulate.
FORBES: FIA - Chicago Convergence of "Occupy" Protesters & Regulator
One well-known study in 1979 found that when a plane sat three hours with its engines off and no air circulating, 72% of the 54 people on board got sick within two days.
Citibank--then a lean company well run by banking pioneer Walter Wriston--found a way to get around those limits.
He was soon able to crack into well-known programs, where he found hidden messages left by their creators.
And the Urban Future report's analysis found that even well-heeled Manhattanites with children tend to leave once they reach the age of 5 or above.
When considering South East Europe in particular, examples of well-functioning media ombudsmen can be found in Turkey, namely those within Sabah Daily and Star Daily.
This week I checked back in with the Henry Kaufman Professor of Financial Institutions, and found him immensely well-informed about the troubles of each European nation.
FORBES: Smart Money Is Short France, Italy,The Euro,Long Germany
Well, I found the Times-Picuyane article in mere seconds.
FORBES: Did They or Didn't They: The Sugar Bowl And Charitable Donations
The science team likened its chemistry to some relatively rare but well-studied alkaline rocks on Earth found on oceanic islands such as Hawaii and the Azores, and also in rift zones like the Rio Grande.
Yet, despite the breadth of this legislation's coverage, the well-known and well-worn vehicle of Most Favored Nation status is nowhere to be found in this debate.
Either way it is particularly disappointing when you drill a dry hole such as happened to the partners in the Blueberry Hill side-track well (EXXI was not among them), which found nothing and required a write-down in the quarter, surely a factor in the price drop of the stock.
When research uncovers a source of competitive advantage, well functioning markets generally reflect the new-found knowledge.
The Gouzenkos were found a secret and well-guarded house outside Toronto.
Such helium was found inside fullerenes in well-studied, clay sediments that contain extraterrestrial iridium and highly shocked minerals resulting from an asteroid impact 65 million years ago.
When Eric Johnson of the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College and his fellow researchers went through popular file-sharing services last year, they found files that contained health-related information as well as names, addresses and dates of birth.
Lichfield admitted to having relationships with many of his pretty subjects but, away from the camera, he found companionship in his own well-bred circle.
In the foot-well and the wheel arches, scientists found traces of a distinctive mix of chalk, brick dust and concrete used to cover the road leading to the ditch.
It takes a close look at the physical features and natural processes that shape the incredible plant and animal life to be found underwater as well as life-forms exposed by the tides.
And that aesthetic is not limited just to its form, but is found in the details as well--right down to the grooves on the door handles, which make them look as fast and sleek as airplane wings.
I've also learned that no matter where you go, you can always find people who share your values and mind-set -- my swaps worked out well because I found a community that was as curious, trusting and adventurous as I am.
After all, successfully mixing pyrotechnics and narrative is how the most satisfying genre features of recent years -- such as Peter Jackson's "Lord Of The Rings" trilogy and Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight" -- have found artistic, as well as commercial, favor.
Those well-targeted ads are where the real dollars are found.
The man behind a takeover of a Belgian football club which became insolvent and left young players hungry and homeless was a well-known North East football agent, the BBC found.
As price rises at the top of the market ripple across the rest of the city, even first-time buyers earning well above average incomes have found themselves priced out of the market.