"You really can't go wrong if you stick to the really well-lighted parts of the Internet, " he said.
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With both flawed men out of the running, the Oval Office remains, in our imagination at least, a clean, well-lighted place.
CNN: All The Presidents' Movies
It is best done at meal time in the evening at a well-lighted table in a quiet corner, or under a tree in the morning.
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But that's actually what I wanted to discuss with Inge Reist, the Center's director, when we met recently in her well-lighted office overlooking Central Park.
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L.U. does, but they realize that the only way to turn the Internet into a genuine mass medium and make a real pile of money is to convince the public that it is a clean and well-lighted place.
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The rerouted pipeline is replete with high-tech leak-detection systems as well, and it was recently green-lighted by Nebraska governor Dave Heineman.
FORBES: Mother Nature to Keystone Pipeline Protesters: Chill Out!