IMF, to push Latin American countries to merge their stock exchanges into a single well-regulated market.
Putting quantity ahead of quality could ultimately erode the territory's regional standing as a well-regulated market.
He told the audience that firms like his are very well-regulated by the federal government.
The good news is that well-regulated countries have done something about the industry's poor environmental performance.
He said it sent a clear message that Jersey was a "well-regulated, co-operative and transparent jurisdiction".
Registration, mandatory inspection of firearms and frequent training were all essential to a well-regulated militia.
Friends with Benefits is an effervescent pop-culture attempt at wrangling messy, disregulating sexual experiences into neat, well-regulated categories.
Thanks to a well-regulated banking system and tighter public finances, Argentine officials are confident they can survive the current turbulence.
But what would a well-regulated financial system have done with the money?
First and foremost, the boom depends on a free, liquid, competitive market in gas, underpinned by an extensive and well-regulated pipeline network.
True, that was mainly because of Asian demand for Canada's natural resources, as well as the strong fiscal position and well-regulated banking system Mr Harper inherited from the Liberals.
Indeed, my preferred option -- a more active and well-regulated role for NSA and Cyber Command on and for American networks -- is almost a third rail in the debate over U.S. cybersecurity.
The firearms used by a well-regulated militia, at the time the Second Amendment was written, were mostly long arms that, like a smaller stockpile of pistols, could discharge only once before they had to be reloaded.
To decide the case, the justices had to rule directly on the meaning of the Second Amendment, a provision with only 27 words: A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Given the perilous state of a great number of corporate pension funds and the firms that stand behind them, many pensioners may be better off in the hands of well-capitalised and -regulated insurers, especially as official compensation is more generous if an insurer fails to honour its obligations than if a company goes bust leaving an underfunded pension scheme.
The latter includes academics, green activists, media stars and some prominent business interests well-positioned to flourish in a hyper-regulated state.
The model for personal accounts would be the federal Thrift Savings Plan. (Millions of federal workers currently get their choice of well-diversified funds that are regulated for safety and soundness.) Participants could avoid the equity markets altogether by opting for government bond funds and bank CDs.
In today's caffeine-fuelled dealing rooms, a barely regulated private-equity group could very well borrow money from syndicates of private lenders, including hedge funds, to spend on taking public companies private.
Operating in highly-regulated and taxed European markets while competing against well-run companies like PokerStars is tough.
Smugglers and illegal traders, it says, are so well organised (some are South African ex-soldiers) that regulated trade would be impossible.
"I am going to be personally committed to have a well regulated, well disciplined, well tracked, well inventory-controlled, well law-enforcement-coordinated approach, " said Inslee, who is due to give Holder more details this week.
An SEC-regulated supermarket would have the same naughty foods, but they wouldn't sell quite as well, because their labels would be brutally candid.