Halliburton is the biggest player in North America, especially in providing drilling and well completion services in the booming shale gas plays in basins like the Haynesville and Marcellus.
The President will meet with those folks and have a chance to update, I think, the region on where we are both from a relief well standpoint -- obviously the weather has -- the weather will likely delay the relief well completion by two to three days, but we anticipate that the work will continue again over the weekend.
The execution of the deal was excellent, and we are excited to announce its completion well within the six-month time frame we communicated.
This will include regular exchanges of information about our threat assessments, as well as the completion of a joint assessment of emerging ballistic missiles.
WHITEHOUSE: Signing of New START Nuclear Arms Treaty with Russia
Schlumberger -- There's a lot of oil-rich nations that refuse to work with Exxon Mobil and Royal Dutch Shell but rely on the technical expertise of Schlumberger for seismic surveys, well drilling, completion and maintenance.
De Vere Hotels and Village Urban Resorts chief executive Robert Cook said the company planned to be on site at Pacific Quay next month, with a view to completion well before next year's Commonwealth Games and Ryder Cup.
Both units will include status reports as well as notification of successful completion of message.
At this point, Blackbeard East is being readied for a bypass and completion of the well to its targeted depth.
By the end, Spain had completed just 74% of its passes, well below its 84% completion rate coming into the game.
WSJ: Euro 2012: Spain Beats Portugal on Penalty Kicks, Stands One Win From Immortality
Few knowledgeable people dispute the growing evidence that BP was negligent in the way it bungled the completion of the well and caused this blowout, and that its negligence was "willful and wanton, " terms used in maritime law for centuries to provide for the award of punitive damages against this kind of egregious misconduct.
Everything from eating well to responsible spending to task completion and beyond requires habits that make such behaviors part of our daily life.
The Commission remains at the disposal of interested applicants in order to provide advice and guidance for the completion of the application as well as for the procedure to be followed.
Consider this: the common belief that an operator is able to recover 10-15% of the available resource with the initial completion of an Eagle Ford Shale well.
FORBES: The Texas Shale Oil & Gas Revolution - Leading the Way to Enhanced Energy Security
Under drilling services the company provides drill bits, drilling fluid systems, completion systems, and integrated project management for well construction projects.
CenturyTel is well known for growth through acquisition, but after the completion of the deal, CenturyTel will claim 17 million local landline customers which is 8 times as many as they had at the end of 2008.
FORBES: Tough Times On The Way To The Altar For CenturyTel and Qwest
Just a week ago Jim Bob Moffett, CEO of McMoRan Exploration was facing a firing squad of investors anxious over months of delays in the completion of the landmark ultra-deep Davy Jones well.
FORBES: Freeport-McMoRan Rescues McMoRan Exploration In $20 Billion Gulf Of Mexico Deal
It would allow time for the completion of a detailed IMF-study, as well as a formal interagency study under the auspices of the Economic Policy Council (which must include prominent representation from the NSC, the Department of Defense and the CIA).
"I am thrilled to be able to play a small part in celebrating the completion of his trek across Wales which has been so well supported by so many people across the country, " said Zeta Jones.
With four-year graduation rates well under 50% nationwide, this could prove helpful in encouraging timely degree completion.
This concept combined with the numeral 7, which Biblically has always represented the number of completion, defines not only our name but upholds our mission as well.
FORBES: How Sevenly CEO Dale Partridge Is Changing The World $7 At A Time
There is anecdotal evidence that new completion techniques have actually increased the EUR (estimated ultimate recovery) for a well.
FORBES: My Prediction Was Wrong: Why We Didn't Get To $8 Natural Gas
The early completion of the venue will give Britain's competitors a chance to train "well ahead of 2012", said Lord Coe, who chairs the organising committee.