Today it is most well known as the birthplace of wartime Prime Minister Winston Churchill.
But to say Slim is well known in Mexico would be a considerable understatement.
But these caveats are well known to us and always have a hand in our emptor.
He attended several events particularly in the Northeast where he's well known - Connecticut, New York, et cetera.
The science is well known, but practical energy effective devices are in short supply.
Treasury Inflation Protected Securities, TIPS, are another top choice, but are also well known.
Peltz is well known for having muscled his way into the boardroom of H.
She is also founded Pitch Conference and hundreds of other less well known ideas.
FORBES: Chicago Women Developers Celebrate One Year Anniversary
Thanks to recent congressional hearings, abuses by agents of the Internal Revenue Service are well known.
But he had become well known long before that for conducting major clinical trials.
Unfortunately, the European Central Bank is well known as never having quite bought that analysis.
The data sets, well known in this area, include game stats for players and teams.
The difficulties over bonuses and the integration of the two companies are well known.
It is well known that when deaf children interact they spontaneously create a sign language.
The meaning of the Guy Fawkes mask is not well known outside protest groups.
Mr Wiels was well known as a fervent supporter of cutting Curacao's ties with the Netherlands.
The second well known point is that household income is precisely that: household income.
Cooper's former side Kettering are well known for their organisation and direct style of play.
Once you are this well known and you are a popular figure, you are marketable.
It is less well known that prison can be seriously bad for your health.
It's well known that their results for this year are going to be shockingly poor.
He's also well known for trying to put together bipartisan efforts, as Donna so well said.
By now, it's well known that 90% of the American people support universal background checks.
She was well known for representing several leading nationalist causes in the mid-Ulster area.
"She was very well known and very highly regarded in her tightknit community, " he said.
But when the risks are so well known, why do people choose to take them?
Don't you need to honor someone well known in order to attract a crowd?
Capital One is well known for not charging any foreign transaction fees on their cards.
However, it's well known that Mourinho is well-liked among players and fans at Stamford Bridge.
The reasons for developing a cleaner, safer, more secure energy system are well known.
FORBES: Raising Gas Taxes Wouldn't Cut Consumption, But It Still Makes Sense