Even so, experts say Gates is well regarded in Washington intelligence and military circles.
Wilpon was so well regarded that he was invited to pitch batting practice to the major leaguers.
Second, Dr Fox is well regarded by the armed forces, who recognise his sympathy for their plight.
What does employment mean when you have experts connected through social networks with well regarded reputation and a talent exchange?
FORBES: Executive Profiles: Disruptive Tech Leaders In Social Business - Alistair Rennie, IBM
Belgium's Banque Bruxelles Lambert acquired an interest in United City Bank, a small investment bank well regarded for its research.
Benchmark Capital is one of the most well regarded venture capitalists with investments in organizations such as eBay and Twitter.
FORBES: Solving Healthcare Requires Primary Care Renaissance
Mr Suarez finally hired as city manager (the top administrator) a friend who is well regarded locally as a true professional.
He's incredibly well regarded by prosecutors and defense attorneys alike, for example.
And he argues that apprenticeships must be "well regarded" if they are not to be viewed as a lower status alternative to university.
That means it had to be much more efficient, lower cost, high volume, and well regarded than even its most optimistic backers probably expected.
FORBES: What Solyndra's Bankruptcy Means For Silicon Valley Solar Startups
This is a guy who is well regarded in his home state of Ohio, has been the treasurer of Ohio, the attorney general of Ohio.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama��s News Conference on the American Jobs Act
Consider one of the most well regarded writers of the Victorian era, Mary Ann Evans, better known to us by her pen name, George Eliot.
Well regarded companies like NPR, Ann Taylor, the NY Times, and the Huffington Post all have Tumblrs that are used actively with thousands of followers for each account.
She said that French 'ecoles maternelles', where teachers taught large groups of three- and four-year-olds, were so well regarded that they were now being opened to disadvantaged two-year-olds.
"One of the big pulls of coming back was playing behind a forward pack that is so well oiled and so well regarded, " Grindal told BBC Radio Leicester.
The whole issue may seem a little silly but what makes it interesting is the fact that Mayo is a top notch analyst and well regarded in the industry.
Zhu Min, now a deputy to Christine Lagarde at the IMF and extremely well regarded, is also seen as qualified although he is likely to prefer to remain in Washington.
The clubs are so well regarded that many professional gondoliers first learned with them, and the instructors are Venetians, most of them lifelong rowers who are deeply concerned with protecting their heritage.
Harvard's Eugene Braunwald, one of the most well regarded cardiologists in the country, said that an analysis of the data hadn't given a safety committee reason to stop a large study of Vytorin and Zocor that he is running, called IMPROVE-IT.
Louis, he was undeservedly not as well regarded nationally as, say, Mickey Mantle, Ted Williams or Joe DiMaggio, because he was from the Midwest, away from New York, the media capital of the world, and therefore was not as celebrated.
Today, as Victor Oladipo and the nationally second ranked (according to the Associated Press) Indiana Hoosiers (25-5) get ready to battle the seventh ranked Michigan Wolverines (25-5) at the Crisler Center in Ann Arbor, Michigan, Oladipo is much more well regarded by scouts and NBA Draft prognosticators.
FORBES: Indiana's Victor Oladipo Set To Cash In On Outstanding Season
An investment from In-Q-Tel led Hoffman's company, which makes software that analyzes foreign-language texts, to expand to Middle Eastern languages, and it now does business with a variety of federal agencies, including the NSA. He says that IQT is also well regarded in Silicon Valley because of its successful investing track record.
Well-regarded within the national Democratic Party but less well known in Los Angeles, Mr Becerra is actually the most popular candidate with Latino voters (with about 30% of their vote).
He was a well-regarded chief financial officer at Bank of America, during a time when the bank performed well in the 1990s.
"He was just a nice man, a gentle man, well-regarded in the community, " Romankow said.
Two years ago Oak added a third, bringing on well-regarded Wall Street economist Edward Yardeni.
Siegel, a well-regarded professor of finance from University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business.
Public employee unions have traditionally been well-regarded since they started up a half-century ago.
You can also gain insights at such well-regarded sites as Motley Fool, Siliconinvestor.com and Ragingbull.com.