It may push dirty industries to less well regulated countries and make the overall problem somewhat worse.
"I am going to be personally committed to have a well regulated, well disciplined, well tracked, well inventory-controlled, well law-enforcement-coordinated approach, " said Inslee, who is due to give Holder more details this week.
Greg Crist, a Washington-based spokeswoman for the American Health Care Association, which represents the largest share of skilled nursing facilities nationwide, said overall nursing home operators are well regulated and follow federal guidelines but added that he could not fully comment on the report's conclusions without having had the chance to read it.
IMF, to push Latin American countries to merge their stock exchanges into a single well-regulated market.
Putting quantity ahead of quality could ultimately erode the territory's regional standing as a well-regulated market.
He told the audience that firms like his are very well-regulated by the federal government.
The good news is that well-regulated countries have done something about the industry's poor environmental performance.
He said it sent a clear message that Jersey was a "well-regulated, co-operative and transparent jurisdiction".
Registration, mandatory inspection of firearms and frequent training were all essential to a well-regulated militia.
Friends with Benefits is an effervescent pop-culture attempt at wrangling messy, disregulating sexual experiences into neat, well-regulated categories.
Thanks to a well-regulated banking system and tighter public finances, Argentine officials are confident they can survive the current turbulence.
But what would a well-regulated financial system have done with the money?
First and foremost, the boom depends on a free, liquid, competitive market in gas, underpinned by an extensive and well-regulated pipeline network.
The Founders intended that a well-regulated militia was to be the first, not the last line of defense against a foreign invader or social unrest.
FORBES: Gun Control Tramples On The Certain Virtues Of A Heavily Armed Citizenry
And that is the answer well-regulated, private insurance with competitive markets that drive price and quality as we have with food, housing and the rest of our economy.
WSJ: What Are Accountable-Care Organizations, and Will They Improve Health Care?
True, that was mainly because of Asian demand for Canada's natural resources, as well as the strong fiscal position and well-regulated banking system Mr Harper inherited from the Liberals.
Indeed, my preferred option -- a more active and well-regulated role for NSA and Cyber Command on and for American networks -- is almost a third rail in the debate over U.S. cybersecurity.
The firearms used by a well-regulated militia, at the time the Second Amendment was written, were mostly long arms that, like a smaller stockpile of pistols, could discharge only once before they had to be reloaded.
The Fed's decision to introduce loans to brokers as well as regulated banks marks a significant shift in policy, and raises the question of whether the former should now be subject to more stringent regulation in return.
If mankind could devise a system that would accept this animosity and somehow turn it to good effect as well-regulated capitalism accepts human greed and turns it to the business of creating wealth the world would be a better place.
"Real money gaming is a popular and well-regulated activity in the UK and we are allowing a partner to offer their games to adult users on the Facebook platform in a safe and controlled manner, " Facebook said in a statement.
To decide the case, the justices had to rule directly on the meaning of the Second Amendment, a provision with only 27 words: A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Indeed, they are so obvious even the politicians are aware of what they are: turn Medicaid into block grants for states, reorganize Medicare as a subsidy for well-regulated private insurers along the lines of the Paul Ryan plan, raise the qualifying age for Medicare and Social Security and means-test the latter to return it to its roots as a cure for elderlass poverty instead of a checkbook-abusing free-for-all.
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But scientists, many environmentalists, companies and policymakers are united in recognising the potential safety and efficacy of this technology at well selected and regulated sites, the barriers to which are chiefly economic.
Marriage, after all, is a religious institution as well as a legal union regulated by the government.
FORBES: Obama, The Con Law Prof, Had Little Choice On Gay Marriage
The IMF fears that off-balance-sheet lending by Chinese banks as well as credit from lightly regulated nonbank lenders could backfire on the world's second-largest economy.
WSJ: IMF's Asia Chief Anoop Singh Says China Slowdown Fears Overblown
The Commission has been openly pursuing a larger role in regulating the online space, an effort which has run into resistance from regulated entities as well as the federal courts.
FORBES: Another Federal Agency Jumps On The Online Privacy Regulatory Roulette Wheel
Given the perilous state of a great number of corporate pension funds and the firms that stand behind them, many pensioners may be better off in the hands of well-capitalised and -regulated insurers, especially as official compensation is more generous if an insurer fails to honour its obligations than if a company goes bust leaving an underfunded pension scheme.