As Dubai's boosters point out, the emirate is well situated midway between Europe and the booming markets of Asia.
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Conversely, we think software companies with significant maintenance revenues and services companies with notable recurring revenues are relatively well situated.
The company says that its Texas power lines are well situated to carry cheap juice from the many wind farms springing up across west Texas.
Part of the reason that we felt that we were well situated to put this book together was that we had an understanding of the different pieces.
FORBES: 'For the Win': How Gamification Can Transform Your Business
The agency, with its consumer focus and broad mission, is well situated to press issues like stopping fraud, protecting privacy and setting ground rules for protecting children, she says.
Promoters say it is well situated for shipping raw materials from China and the Russian Far East to the rest of Asia, or Asian-made goods across the Trans-Siberian railroad to Europe.
Check a map to make sure your boat is well situated for your purposes, but it's hard to go far wrong since all the main canals are close to the public bus, tram and subway lines, not to mention the water taxis.
Another well-situated retailer, Aeropostale, offers strong, preplanned promotions that help gain the trust of its consumers, Sozzi said.
Conditions for a rebound won't always be as hospitable as in well-situated Billund.
This means that Costco is well-situated to benefit from a bump in sales where consumers take advantage of holiday discounts.
Often, sponsorships come with extras: for instance, the kind of well-situated tickets that cannot be purchased at the box office.
For years multinational business looked beyond the Thai coups and other intrigue to see a populous, well-situated country ripe for investment.
Shakti's modus operandi, difficult to sum up in a nutshell, is this: Here and in similar operations in Sikkim and Kumaon, Shakti leases floors in larger, well-situated traditional houses around the region, often with the family remaining in residence on other floors.
The Chinguetti development will include six production wells, four water injection wells, and a gas injector well, attached to a permanently moored floating production, storage and offloading vessel situated in about 800 metres of water.
Furthermore, ecosystems situated in the deep ocean, where biodiversity and habitats often have major value, but are generally not well understood, have virtually no protection at all.