And there are some leaks from the upper part of the wellhead where the shear ram has closed.
The list goes far beyond into emerging energy players facing technical challenges to bring oil to the wellhead.
In the last 24 hours, the production of the Discover Enterprise over the wellhead produced 11, 000 barrels of oil.
Ecuador has also proposed that OPEC levy a carbon tax at the oil wellhead, a concept devised by environmental economist Herman Daly.
They become the major resource of effectiveness to try and fight this battle offshore, and we know what we're doing near the wellhead.
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We understand there are going to be challenges associated with especially with evacuating the wellhead site and the production units that are out there.
It'll still be too salty to drink, but enough to force the crude to separate itself from the rock and come to the wellhead.
But these more boring logistical assets that stand between the wellhead out in West Texas and the city gate in New York or whatever.
Meanwhile, drilling for natural gas -- whose wellhead price has held relatively steady, at least compared with oil -- helps keep Dawson and his crews busy.
The subsea power grid encompass pumps and compressors and large variable speed drives to transport the oil and gas from the wellhead to a processing facility.
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But the Ogallala is completely interconnected underground and significant pipeline spills and wellhead catastrophes could affect more cropland and human health than any other disaster, including climate-induced droughts.
We have two models for a flow out of the wellhead that were done by our Flow Rate Technical Group under Marcia McNutt of the U.S. Geological Survey.
There is seepage about three kilometers away from the wellhead.
As the oil industry consolidates, drilling for natural gas, whose wellhead price has held relatively steady -- at least compared with oil -- helps keep Dawson and his crews busy.
At Piper Alpha, where 167 men had died, huge pieces of debris had to be moved from the wellhead by cranes tossing like flotsam amid the wind and the waves.
Among other response activities are on-water skimming, subsurface wellhead operations, continued efforts to see if they can get that shut-off valve to close, and significant booming efforts underway to protect vital shoreline.
On the morning of May 27th Thad Allen, the coastguard admiral overseeing the federal response, said that the wellhead had been stabilised, and that oil and gas were no longer flowing out.
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Within about a one square mile area around that wellhead and the riser pipe and everything else, at any particular time you could have between 14 and 20 ROVs operating down there.
That estimate was much higher than the estimates of about 1, 000 barrels per day seeping from the damaged wellhead that formed the basis of BP and the government's first public estimates of the spill's size.
In fact, in April of 2002, we actually ran an exercise on a Louisiana -- on an offshore oil port, which is only about 90 miles to the west of where this happened, and we envisioned a total loss of the wellhead for a number of days.