The top four in the world were ahead of me and next year I want to be in with them and in the top three.
Her unlikely rise at a time when virtually no women, Asian Americans or persons of color were in corporate hierarchy made people want to know her recipe for success.
FORBES: Are You Living the Life of Your Dreams? An Interview with Author Marilyn Tam
Mr. BERNTSEN: Exactly, because there were so few of us and so many of the enemy that, you don't want to be in gun fights with people like that, you want to use air power, you want to leverage technology.
These candidates don't just want the votes of the Democratic Party activists who were in the San Diego convention center.
And by the way, we had the Governor of Louisiana, Bobby Jindal, as well as parish presidents who were taking part in this meeting, because we want to emphasize the importance of coordinating between local, state, and federal officials throughout this process.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on NYC Incident and BP Oil Spill in Louisiana | The White House
And I want to thank all of the administration officials who were dogged in trying to get this completed.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Agreement Between Boeing and Lion Air | The White House
So integral to the British economy was the slave business that there were few men and institutions of wealth who did not want to invest in it, from the royal family and the Church of England downwards.
"New people in the market inevitably want rare editions of books they read when they were young, " says Weinstein.
You could read as much, or as little, into that as you want in terms of Labour's feelings towards the way things were run under Dame Gillian's leadership.
He said incidents of crime on church premises were rising but research for the Church in Wales has shown more members of the public want to drop in to the church buildings.
Officials from Chicago, who want to hold much of the Games in the city centre, were upbeat after their pitch despite a protest held by a group of Chicagoans opposed to the bid.
"All of us were impacted by these events, and we want to help in any way we can, " said a brief statement by the company.
But as the Reagan years proved, normal is relative, and once the policy mix leaned in favor of growth, past presumptions about a future of sacrifice and want were quickly discredited.
However, if you were planning to exercise in 2013 or 2014, then you want to see if this traditional strategy of deferring income to future years still applies in 2012 (see the relevant article serieselsewhere on this site).
FORBES: Year-End Tax Planning Tips For Stock Options And Restricted Stock
But they do want people to have a real chance and they don't want people to live the kind of lives that so many Americans who were in the city of New Orleans who had to evacuate, so many Americans do, are part of that 37 million, live every day.
In the era that we were in (post-Enron), the board of directors were very sensitive and didn't want to put up a defense against anything.
Republicans blocked that because they want to water down Wall Street reforms, reforms that were put in place to help prevent the kind of financial crisis that almost tipped the global economy into a depression.
And yet as of now, when structural employment is over 10% (if you count those who were considered to be in the work force just a few months ago), we want to reduce the availability of revenues to the very people we want to be hiring new workers, and who are cash-starved as it is.
The next time a client CMO reviews his or her agency roster, they might want to consider casting a wider net: in the last decade, scores of independent agencies were launched by creative stars who left the big agencies, to become entrepreneurs.
Many of the lights will remain lit, keeping ships in safe waters, but the Coast Guard wants out of the historic preservation business--it doesn't want the responsibility of caring for and preserving so many decaying structures, many of which were built in the 19th century.
Mr. Nortman, who teaches a class on SEC violations for Nova Southeastern's law school in Fort Lauderdale, says the SEC will likely want to know whether the purchasers of stadium bonds were given full disclosure of the financial status of the borrowers involved, and also whether there may have been any "pay for play" involved on behalf of the parties.
And I think there were a lot of people out there that, you know, ended up getting stuck in positions we didn't want to be in.
There were a number of different groups floating around in Iraq that were not under our control, and we didn't want them clashing in a way that could interfere with our operations.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: DOD Briefing on Intelligence Matters
The reason for this became clear, Osterhaus and the big Pharma did not want this alternative source strategy to see the light of day as there were not the billions upon billions in drug sales.
FORBES: H7N9 Bird Flu Cases Rise To 49, Deaths At 11 In China; Beijing Shuts Poultry Markets
But I then traveled up to the Panjshir Valley, north of Kabul, a largely Tajik area, and there people were voting in significant numbers, not least because the Tajiks are a minority, want to, try to acquire a block of power in parliament to counterbalance what they say is a Pashtun-governated Karzai administration in Afghanistan.