Still, this could not have been possible were it not for an extended band of collaborators.
Were it not for the support of its parent, Canal Plus would probably have gone bust.
That would be an expensive operation, says Mr Gourinchas, were it not for demand for savings.
Lebanon could be persuaded were it not for the presence of Syrian troops on its soil.
"Were it not for that evidence, the appellants wouldn't be before the court, " he said.
That would be the end of the story were it not for an odd detail.
In Western Europe secularism would be the undisputed champion were it not for migration.
Taxes are low, and would be much lower were it not for the state.
This lapse from his free-enterprise creed would seem odd, were it not for the other interests involved.
Were it not for our investment in clean energy, they wouldn't be building those 100 new windmills.
But he might have stayed longer were it not for a mix of bad luck and overconfidence.
It would be easy to dismiss the murder allegations as implausible were it not for Chile's recent history.
Tax lawyers, for example, would have no income were it not for the complications of the tax system.
FORBES: Makers, Takers And Wealth Transfer In The Modern Welfare State
But again, they would not exist were it not for the larger market that Android-based smartphones will offer.
Were it not for this statement, the veiled implication of the prior two sentences would be utterly meaningless.
Indeed were it not for the Bauhaus name, there would be nothing to hold these strains of modernism together.
That would be unlikely, were it not for the fact that the local Lib Dems and Tories are co-operating.
But we would not have gotten to today were it not for a diverse group of people working together.
Were it not for the stray dogs, a visitor could be forgiven for mistaking the area for Silicon Valley.
Furthermore, they say, were it not for my taxes, those in the public sector would not have a job.
The war of grid references might be comical were it not for the increasingly high stakes in the region.
ECONOMIST: Iran's seizure of British sailors raises the stakes
This is how the game would feel were it not for your adrenaline.
FORBES: How Cory Arcangel Makes Art Memes Out Of YouTube Videos And Super Mario Bros.
Still, the book would probably have disappeared without trace were it not for the eccentric reaction of the two principals.
Were it not for the problems in Asia, the Fed would almost certainly have raised America's interest rates by now.
For 2009 it would be negative 1.5% were it not for investment in the U.S. by China and other countries.
Were it not for the buoyant Chinese economy, the outlook for many countries in the region would be even less encouraging.
Such drops would be more precipitous still were it not for the cushioning effects of ultra-low interest rates on European mortgage-holders.
The factory would have no such inner charm were it not for the outer solidity that the prince found so off-putting.
ECONOMIST: A big name from the past hopes for a bright future
Were it not for the assistance of a local microlending organization, Vozmozhnost, Kostrova would not have been able to expand her business.
She may never have made these friends were it not for the generosity of organ donors, but they are a scarce commodity.