Smith said Condit and one of his attorneys wanted her to sign an affidavit, claiming they were just friends.
He testified that they were just friends and that he was planning to relocate to the condominium she purchased and moved into in January 1994.
Ms Steenkamp was first spotted with Oscar Pistorius at the South African Sports Awards last November, when the model said they were just friends, South Africa's Mail and Guardian reports.
At a press conference on Wednesday, police made it clear the arrested man was not Georgia's boyfriend and they were just "friends on social media".
Were they relatives, friends or just patriotic Americans who wanted to remember a fallen soldier?
"We were doing things in Glasgow like odd gigs in pubs that we'd book and just invite friends along too and play some songs to see how they were going, " says Hardy.
Steve and I were and still remained good friends and I have just an extraordinary respect for his leadership.
FORBES: What Is Up With Eric Schmidt's Revisionist History of His Relationship With Steve Jobs?
But administration officials told CNN there is a difference: the Bushes' guests were all close friends or family members, and not just major donors and members of the Hollywood elite.
When you already have calendars on our phones, through Google, and at the workplace, would you really want to open up an app just to see what a couple early-adopter friends were planning?
Suminder Sodhi, who is not related to the victim, said just the day before the shootings, the two friends were working on setting up a news conference to discuss the Sikh community's reaction to the terrorism attacks -- and to allay public fears that Sikhs have no connection to bin Laden.
It was that easy: Stuart woke up one day thinking about how stylish British model Stella Tennant and her friends were, so Stuart thought she would create a wardrobe just for them.
"I had joked with friends previously that my fingers were fish food now and so it just played in line with what I was expecting, " he said.
Just under 30% went to friends' houses, and 14% were found walking the street.
The commission often focused on just a dozen states, which complained they were singled out because they lacked enough big friends to keep critics at bay.
But that's not the feeling I think in - you were just in Washington - you didn't hear many people come up and say our friends in the family France.
Poor Raj, they may rule, was just soliciting the opinions of some well connected friends, who like the rating agencies, were paid to deliver their thoughts.
FORBES: Liberty and Injustice: Moody's, Rajaratnam, and the Second Circuit Court of Appeals
Just blocks away from us, however, many of our friends and members of our community were less lucky, losing their electricity, heat, possessions, and even their homes.
The original Battlefield games were great, one could set up a small server and play capture the flag with their friends, or just play the game anytime, anywhere.
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According to the FBI account, just hours after surveillance camera photos of the two suspects were flashed around the world April 18, Tsnarnaev's friends suspected he was one of the bombers and removed the backpack along with a laptop from Tsarnaev's room at UMass Dartmouth.