India's first special court to deal with crimes against women has opened in West Bengal state.
They are also called Naxalites because the movement began in Naxalbari, a town in West Bengal state.
The West Bengal state government has ordered a criminal investigation into the deaths.
BBC: India doctors fight to save West Bengal alcohol victims
Author Sir Salman Rushdie has accused the chief minister of India's West Bengal state of stopping his visit to Calcutta earlier this week.
The government in West Bengal state had earlier warned workers not to skip work during the strike and the state has remained largely unaffected by the shutdown.
Tens of thousands of investors have been affected, and hundreds of agents employed by the company to collect money have become jobless in West Bengal state, reports say.
BBC: India businessman Sudipto Sen in court over alleged fraud
West Bengal state, where the Chowdulis live, has nearly doubled its number of backward classes to 108 the past two years, largely by the inclusion of Muslim groups.
WSJ: India Classifies More Castes as 'Backward' In Affirmative-Action Bid to Help the Poor
The Trinamool Congress has decided to leave the government over plans unveiled last week, said Mamata Banerjee, the party's head and the chief minister of India's West Bengal state.
WSJ: India Government Roiled as Ally Withdraws Over Retail Plan
West Bengal is no oil state, though offshore oil and gas have just been found.
Three elephants have been killed by a train in the Indian state of West Bengal.
She and her colleagues evaluated a programme in the Indian state of West Bengal, where Bandhan, an Indian microfinance institution, worked with people who lived in extreme penury.
But the gate at Srirampur - on Assam's border with the neighbouring state of West Bengal - does not have a microchip reader so many of the elephants could be taken out undetected.
The award carries a cash prize of USD 8, 000 and will be handed out to the Nabana community through Change Initiatives, a Kolkata-based NGO which is implementing the UNESCO Nabanna project in the Indian state of West Bengal.
Further, some 90% of Keralans own some land, making it the only state other than West Bengal where land reforms have been justly implemented.
Last November, his party finally appointed a deputy chief minister in West Bengal to take over the day-to-day running of the state.
With state elections due in Bihar later this year and in West Bengal next, Congress's leaders badly want to encourage this trend.